Life, Oneness, and You

The huge benefits of awakening to all that Life and You really are

The Purpose of Life

What is the Purpose of Your Life?

The Shortest Version

The shortest version is:

"The purpose of life is to experience."

A Longer Version

The next one is my favourite:

"The purpose of life is to create experiences and live them out."

~ Michael Domeyko Rowland

(See notes below regarding Michael and other outstanding Teachers I have encountered.)

Words extracted from a longer quotation by Neale Donald Walsch also mention creating and experiencing:

“The point of life therefore is to create who and what you are, and then to experience that.”

~ Neale Donald Walsch

Neale Donald Walsch is known for channelling messages from Source/God. He has written several books including "Conversations with God".

Combining the Last Two Definitions:

Although the definition by Michael Domeyko Rowland above is very adequate, it can be expanded by adding a little of the definition by Neale Donald Walsch and a few words by me:

"The purpose of life is to create and experience what you want to Be, Do, and Have."

The two themes that keep showing up are to create and to experience.

Just choose any of the above or make your own definition to remember as your own. It is important to be clear on what the purpose of life is, otherwise you could get confused as in what follows below:

About Learning

Learning is Necessary, but it is Not the Sole Purpose of Life

Some people say that the purpose of life is to learn. Learning and growing are necessary things for us to do as we move through our lives, to enable us to create better lives and have better experiences.

However, I do not see it as the sole purpose in itself for Life to have been created, but as something that supports our purpose. (You are of course free to decide on this for yourself.)

Your Own Self is Your Ultimate Teacher, and Your Goal

While talking about learning, we should also talk about teachers:

"Your own self is your ultimate teacher. The outer teacher is merely a milestone. It is your innner teacher that will walk with you to the goal, for it is the goal."

~ Nisargaatta

Creating experiences and living them out are a complete purpose within themselves, but more importantly they are a way for us to eventually know that we are the Oneness and the One Self, living life from our unique point of view.

(The knowingness needs to be in our innermost being, not only in our mind and heart:

"The mind thinks, the heart feels, the soul knows."

~ A well-known quotation

My own definition combines the above concepts:

"The purpose of life is to create and experience what you want to Be, Do, and Have, and when ready, to know all that you truly are."

Your Soul Wants to Experience

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Why was Life Created?

Why Was Life Created?

From the Perspective of "The One and the Many"

This page has been placed at this point in the suggested reading sequence, following the page about "the One and the Many", which followed several pages on the One and Oneness.

This is because we were created by the One for its own purposes, so it makes sense to discuss this first.

Each of us, as one of the many, can co-create a better life and better expeiences by having a strong and loving relationship with the One Self within (the Highest Level of our Self), as the highest priority in our life. That is one of the main reasons that the One Self created us - to love it - from the perspective of seemingly different people.

If you give the One Self what it wants from you, it will give you what you want from it.

The Sequence Leading to Our Existence

As I understand it, the sequence of developments that has led from nothing to our current existence is as follows:

  1. The Void (pure nothingness)
  2. Pure Awareness (uncreated, it just emerged)
  3. The One Self and Consciousness
  4. Life, and all within it
  5. Creation and Experience, within Life

The video at the following link, by Alan Watts who is one of my very favourite Teachers, discusses how "nothing" must exist for "something" to be able to exist. This video is unique and has several related themes, and I particularly relate to the last one. The video is about 13 minutes long and I recommend that you watch all of it.

Alan Watts on "Nothing vs Something"

The Purpose of Life for the One Self

The One Self was initially totally alone, with no other Self to interact with and share expriences with, including experiences that teach. So it created Life, and populated Life with numerous "people", using holograms (see later pages).

These people are all within the One Self, and it is within all of them. As with all holograms, "the whole is in the part and the part is in the whole".

The One Self thus experiences life from the perspective of every individual person, as their Self, and takes part in relationships between two individuals from the perspective of both of them.

It is able to make love to itself, from the perspective of both partners at the same time, usually a male and a female.

Delores Cannon, on God and the Story of Creation

The 5-minute presentation at the above link is by Delores Cannon, who is one of my favourite teachers of wisdom. In it, she discusses first what "God" is and is not, and then presents purposes of life from that perspective. Like myself, she sees God as "the Source of All Things". I recommend that you watch it in full.

The quotation from Alan Watts that follows says a similar concept in different words.

We are the Witness

Summary for the One Self

The concepts on this page are all about EXPERIENCE, from many and all perspectives and for all purposes. These include, but are not limited to:

  • For the One Self to learn what it is, including its infinite nature and unlimited power
  • To learn from experience what works and does not work in Life
  • To experience Love (giving and receiving)
  • To experience pleasure, satisfaction and success
  • To experience Creating using Mind and Action

The Purpose of Life for Each of the Many

Each of us is a "microcosm of the macrocosm" and we get to experience our individual lives lived within the wholeness and awesomeness of the Universe. We have Free Will to a degree to create and experience what we want to as individuals, but not unlimited Free Will (see later).

The Secret of a Happy Life

The Secret of a Happy Life

A Tribute to the Many Teachers I Have Had

Many Outstanding Teachers, teaching from their True Self

While mentioning Michael Domeyko Rowland above, it reminded me of the hundreds of Teachers of Life that I thoroughly enjoyed learning from in-person, mostly but not entirely during the first 10 years or so of my journey. Some were truly outstanding, as people as well as Teachers. This is because they were living as their True Self and not from Ego.

With the growth of the internet and social media, most of the Teachers I encounter now are online, and they are outstanding too, as you can see from the numerous quotes from them on this website.

I am grateful to all of the excellent Teachers that have taught and guided me, both in-person and online, and I hereby acknowledge and thank every one of them for their contribution to my journey.

And a Few Dangerous Ones teaching from their Ego

I did also encounter just a few "teachers" who were working from their Ego, greedy for excessively large payments and praise. They are the ones who make big claims about how they are the one who can "fix you", if you follow them. (The genuine ones do not need to make ego-based claims.)

I can say from my own experience that Spiritiality and Ego are a very dangerous combination. Be very careful of this.

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Why was Life Created?

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