Life, Oneness, and You
The huge benefits of awakening to all that Life and You really are
What is Awakening?
My Own Journey of Awakening
I recall saying to someone who was close to me at the time, when I was in my early forties, "There is something wrong with me, and I am going to find out what it is". I sensed that there was something that was stopping me from feeling "whole" and OK about myself.
I assumed the answer would turn out to be something outside of myself that I was lacking, probably some piece of knowledge. That is because I was "stuck in my head" at that time and for most of my life, and assumed the answer would be "more knowledge". Several close friends have said to me more than once: "You think too much".
Having made the decision to look for what was wrong with me, and fix it if possible, the Universe sent along things to get me started and provide further help along the way, as it will for you too.
Throughout the journey, which took about 30 years in my case, I never thought about it as being about awakening to something inside myself, but as finding something outside of myself that was missing.
A doctor said to me once: "You are looking for something that is not there". She was half-correct, in that it was not there on the outside. Although I did not realise it at the time, it was on the inside all along, waiting to be discovered.
This brings up another one of my very favourite quotions. It is attributed to St Francis of Assisi. (There is some disagreement about whether it was actually him who said it, which does not matter here):
“What you are looking for is what is doing the looking”.
~ Saint Francis of Assisi
What is Awakening?
The True Nature of Reality and Yourself
Awakening involves replacing old beliefs about separateness (Duality) with a new knowingness in the core of your being about Oneness, about what you really are and the nature of reality. Here are some key components of that new knowingness:
- There is a single Source-of-All-Things that is within all people including you, and within all things in the Universe. It is everywhere, including empty space.
- What it actually is, is Pure Awareness. It is a state of being, not a being. It does not need a body, mind or brain to work through.
- This Source has been given many names, some of which reflect its many roles in being the Source of everything.
- One of those names which is referred to a lot on this site is "The One Self", or simply "The Self". The very same Self is within all of us as the highest level of our being.
- Other names and roles for it include "The Oneness", "Life" (all of life itself), "The Lifeforce" (which is more correctly referred to as "life energy" or "Chi" in Eastern traditions), "God" (with its many interpretations ), and "All-that-Is" because all things exist within it.
- It exists within all things, and all things exist within it. This is a property that holograms have. Holograms are the focus of Section D (as listed on the Contents Page).
- Each human being has two selves (and many sub-personalities): There is a True Self which contains the One Self, and an Ego Self which incorrectly thinks thet it is who you are. The True Self seeks to serve others and the highest good, while the Ego Self seeks to serve only itself.
- We can act from either our True Self or our Ego Self, at different times and in different situations. We can influence our Ego Self to become more like our True Self, which is very desirable.
It is important to understand both of these points, that awakening is getting easier but is still difficult. The next two sections on this page deal with reasons for both.
Everyone's Journey is Different
Everyone is different and therefore their journey needs to be different. I cannot tell you exactly what to do, it is up to your own Highest Self to guide you.
However, there are a few tips from my journey that may help you with yours, and possibly also make it considerably shorter, easier and more pleasant.
Why it is Getting Easier
A Lot More Supportive Material is Now Available
A lot has changed in the decades since my journey of awakening started. For example, the internet did not even exist at that time. Now there is a huge amount of material online and in publications which supports awakening. There are also numerous courses and workshops available in many countries. Probably what has contributed the most to all of this material now being available is explained by the next point:
Many Evolved Beings Are Here to Assist
There are many aware and evolved beings who have incarnated on Earth at this time to help in many different ways with the Transformation.
These beings are living in most countries of the world and have many different roles in life. Many, probably most, have had difficult lives. This was partly to prepare them for the service to humanity they came to provide, and partly because they are not used to the difficulties caused by living among people with such low levels of consciousness.
They are all supporting the same overall outcomes and do not compete with each other.
Once you have realised that you are one of these people, it is very easy to recognise others.
Quotations from some of these people who are serving in the role of Teachers are included throughout this website.
More Doors Are Opening at this Time
This is definitely a special time for humanity, for all of the above reasons and more. It has been predicted for a very long time. I hope that you will take advantage of the many forms of assistance now available, and that the material on this site will help you with your inner journey.
Why it is Still Difficult
Opposing Factors Are Still Present
The main factors that continue to make awakening difficult are our own Ego, criticism and non-acceptance by others, and unsupportive attitudes of society and culture.
Our Own Ego Self
The principles and values that we will be awakening to are incompatible with ones that are held by a strong ego, as listed in the image below.
A strong ego will be fighting for its very existence, and it will fight hard.
Some people say we should be trying to destroy our ego as we awaken, but I believe that we do need an ego to exist as an indididual in society. However I believe we should be progressively changing the beliefs and values in our ego to be similar to those of our true self. This takes time.
Criticism by Family and Friends
I know from my own personal experince about how critical and unaccepting spouses, family and friends can be towards someone who is on a path of spiritual awakening when they themselves are not.
These people say that it is us who has been fooled into silly beliefs, when it is actually they themselves who are keeping their mind firmy closed.
It can however be really enjoyable when the parties are awakening together, and quite unenjoyable to say the least when their paths and their values are diverging.
Unsupportive Attitudes of Society
One of the issues in society is that the non-aware general population confuses spiritual awakening with religion, even though it is the complete opposite. Those pursuing awakening are lumped in with some of the religious extrements, and incorrectly thought of as being crazy.
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Journey of Awakening
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Contents List
My Own Journey of Awakening
I recall saying to someone who was close to me at the time, when I was in my early forties, "There is something wrong with me, and I am going to find out what it is". I sensed that there was something that was stopping me from feeling "whole" and OK about myself.
I assumed the answer would turn out to be something outside of myself that I was lacking, probably some piece of knowledge. That is because I was "stuck in my head" at that time and for most of my life, and assumed the answer would be "more knowledge". Several close friends have said to me more than once: "You think too much".
Having made the decision to look for what was wrong with me, and fix it if possible, the Universe sent along things to get me started and provide further help along the way, as it will for you too.

Throughout the journey, which took about 30 years in my case, I never thought about it as being about awakening to something inside myself, but as finding something outside of myself that was missing.
A doctor said to me once: "You are looking for something that is not there". She was half-correct, in that it was not there on the outside. Although I did not realise it at the time, it was on the inside all along, waiting to be discovered.
This brings up another one of my very favourite quotions. It is attributed to St Francis of Assisi. (There is some disagreement about whether it was actually him who said it, which does not matter here):
“What you are looking for is what is doing the looking”.
~ Saint Francis of Assisi
What is Awakening?
The True Nature of Reality and Yourself
Awakening involves replacing old beliefs about separateness (Duality) with a new knowingness in the core of your being about Oneness, about what you really are and the nature of reality. Here are some key components of that new knowingness:
- There is a single Source-of-All-Things that is within all people including you, and within all things in the Universe. It is everywhere, including empty space.
- What it actually is, is Pure Awareness. It is a state of being, not a being. It does not need a body, mind or brain to work through.
- This Source has been given many names, some of which reflect its many roles in being the Source of everything.
- One of those names which is referred to a lot on this site is "The One Self", or simply "The Self". The very same Self is within all of us as the highest level of our being.
- Other names and roles for it include "The Oneness", "Life" (all of life itself), "The Lifeforce" (which is more correctly referred to as "life energy" or "Chi" in Eastern traditions), "God" (with its many interpretations ), and "All-that-Is" because all things exist within it.
- It exists within all things, and all things exist within it. This is a property that holograms have. Holograms are the focus of Section D (as listed on the Contents Page).
- Each human being has two selves (and many sub-personalities): There is a True Self which contains the One Self, and an Ego Self which incorrectly thinks thet it is who you are. The True Self seeks to serve others and the highest good, while the Ego Self seeks to serve only itself.
- We can act from either our True Self or our Ego Self, at different times and in different situations. We can influence our Ego Self to become more like our True Self, which is very desirable.
It is important to understand both of these points, that awakening is getting easier but is still difficult. The next two sections on this page deal with reasons for both.
Everyone's Journey is Different
Everyone is different and therefore their journey needs to be different. I cannot tell you exactly what to do, it is up to your own Highest Self to guide you.
However, there are a few tips from my journey that may help you with yours, and possibly also make it considerably shorter, easier and more pleasant.
Why it is Getting Easier
A Lot More Supportive Material is Now Available
A lot has changed in the decades since my journey of awakening started. For example, the internet did not even exist at that time. Now there is a huge amount of material online and in publications which supports awakening. There are also numerous courses and workshops available in many countries. Probably what has contributed the most to all of this material now being available is explained by the next point:
Many Evolved Beings Are Here to Assist
There are many aware and evolved beings who have incarnated on Earth at this time to help in many different ways with the Transformation.

These beings are living in most countries of the world and have many different roles in life. Many, probably most, have had difficult lives. This was partly to prepare them for the service to humanity they came to provide, and partly because they are not used to the difficulties caused by living among people with such low levels of consciousness.
They are all supporting the same overall outcomes and do not compete with each other.
Once you have realised that you are one of these people, it is very easy to recognise others.
Quotations from some of these people who are serving in the role of Teachers are included throughout this website.
More Doors Are Opening at this Time
This is definitely a special time for humanity, for all of the above reasons and more. It has been predicted for a very long time. I hope that you will take advantage of the many forms of assistance now available, and that the material on this site will help you with your inner journey.

Why it is Still Difficult
Opposing Factors Are Still Present
The main factors that continue to make awakening difficult are our own Ego, criticism and non-acceptance by others, and unsupportive attitudes of society and culture.
Our Own Ego Self
The principles and values that we will be awakening to are incompatible with ones that are held by a strong ego, as listed in the image below.

A strong ego will be fighting for its very existence, and it will fight hard.
Some people say we should be trying to destroy our ego as we awaken, but I believe that we do need an ego to exist as an indididual in society. However I believe we should be progressively changing the beliefs and values in our ego to be similar to those of our true self. This takes time.
Criticism by Family and Friends
I know from my own personal experince about how critical and unaccepting spouses, family and friends can be towards someone who is on a path of spiritual awakening when they themselves are not.
These people say that it is us who has been fooled into silly beliefs, when it is actually they themselves who are keeping their mind firmy closed.
It can however be really enjoyable when the parties are awakening together, and quite unenjoyable to say the least when their paths and their values are diverging.

Unsupportive Attitudes of Society
One of the issues in society is that the non-aware general population confuses spiritual awakening with religion, even though it is the complete opposite. Those pursuing awakening are lumped in with some of the religious extrements, and incorrectly thought of as being crazy.
Links to Other Pages
Suggested Next Page:
Journey of AwakeningOr go back to the Contents List:
Contents List