Life, Oneness, and You

The huge benefits of awakening to all that Life and You really are

The One Self and You

Why the One Self Created Us

Some Teachers say that in the early times, the One Self did not appreciate being the only Self, with no other self or anything else to interact with.

So it created, over eons of time, many individual lifeforms such as humans. Each human being is diferent, but its self is the One Self. The Universe experiences a different view of itself through each human being and each other lifeform.

The Self (within each human for example) is able to have an unlimited number of relationships and friendships with other versions of itself. When any two people are in a relationship of any type, the Self experiences the relationship from the perspective of both people.

That is as long as the relationship is between the True Self of each person. It is a different story if the relationship is between their Egos. If one of the people drops into their Ego Self, the other person will too.

How You and the One Self Exist Within Each Other

It is said that the best way to learn is to teach, and that has been very true for me as I have been creating this website. Several weeks after writing most of this website, I was given an insight, a different way of seeing and saying what so many others are saying.

The truth is already within the powerful quotation below about Presence by Niargadatta Maharaj. The insight simply provides a way of looking at it that gives a deeper understanding. At least it does for me, I hope it does for you too.


The Insight

Imagine something that is fluid, such as water in a lake or ocean, or air in the atmosphere. It is continuous and not separated into parts. Let the continuous fluid represent Presence. It just is. As "the Presence", it does not need a human for it to exist and be aware of its Self.

Then imagine that a human enters the fluid that represents Presence. As we have known for decades, the atoms that humans are made from are more than 99.9% empty space. Our skin, which is the boundary of our physical body, is likewise more than 99.9% empty space. The image below represents our skin, with all its empty volume.

Dashed Human Outline

This empty volome in our skin and our body makes it extremely easy for the Presence to be able to exist on both sides of our skin (i.e. inside and outside of our physical body), while remaining continuous itself.

With our whole body being more than 99.9% empty space, there is more than enough space left for the Presence to occupy and fill the same space as our bodies do. We can move freely through the Presence.

Also, and more importantly, the Presence has a different and significantly higher frequency than our physical body and our other bodies have. Any number of different frequencies can co-exist in the same space at the same time, as with radio waves and sound waves for example.

As the quotation above says, "When one sees the situation as it really is, and that no individual (need be) involved, that what is present is Presence as a whole, then ... ".

The Presence is just there, everywhere, whether we are at any particular location within it or not. If we are there, we cannot avoid having the Presence within us as it is continuous and is everywhere.

This is the key to why we can be within the Presence (the Oneness, the Absolute), while it is also within us, no mattter where we are what we are doing.

Link to Next Section, on the Taboo

Click below to read the next part of this page, which has three quotations about the taboo against knowing who you are:

Click here

The Taboo Against Knowing Who You Are

A good quotation by Alan Watts on the taboo:

Taboo Against Knowing Who You Are
You Are the Divine God is the Self Within

The One Self and Awareness

For awareness to be experienced, something needs to exist to experience it. I believe this could only be the One Self. It seems that Awareness and the One Self belong together and may have emerged from the nothingness of the Void together.

Personally, I do not find it hard to believe that only a single Awarensss came into existence. What is harder to understand is how that one Awareness was able to emerge from nothing.

I am not saying that we should be able to understand this with our finite minds. We cannot. We just need to accept that it happened, as the starting point for everything.

We Come from the Unmanifested

The following quotation from Eckhart Tolle supports the concept that we come from the unmanifested, as difficult as it is to understand:

"When your CONSCIOUSNESS is directed outward, MIND and WORLD arise. When it is directed inward, it realises its own source and returns home into the UNMANIFESTED."

~ Eckhart Tolle

Everything in Life is Connected

The One Self is not all of "that which cannnot be named", but it is a very major component, along with its Awareness. Another very major component is Life itself, or maybe it is Life itself which is "that which cannot be named" (because it needs a lot of understanding about what is meant by it, which is the subject of this website).

The components of Life are all connected within the Oneness, it is not possible to separate them.

The Relevance of Holograms

A description of what holograms are is given in Section D1 of the site.

Holograms are mentioned here to point out that they are what enables the One Self to experience itself as the whole of the Universe and the individual parts, at the same time, and also to experience relationships between several of the parts, and between its Self and the parts.

This should become clear as you take in the whole of Section D on holograms. The first page of Section D deals with holograms in general, and Holograms of Light in particular. The page after that discusses Holograms of Life specifically:

Conclusion based on this Page

We know that many aspects of ourselves are contained within our mind and brain, and most people including me had assumed that our Self was also contained in our mind and brain. Our whole society and its governments, education systems and medical systems support this belief.

As Alan Watts said in the quotation on this page, this is part of "the taboo against knowing who or what you really are".

This page has presented evidence and arguments to show that there is only One Self (One Presence), and it occupies all of the volume of space, whether empty or non-empty space, and it is both inside us and outside of us, and each of us is within it.

The One Self, the Presence, God, or whatever names we use for "that which cannot be named", is infinite and eternal.

We, as humans, are not infinite and eternal. Our existence is temporary. However, we are still able to experience life (see later on "The Purpose of Life" page.

Just keep an open mind if possible, as there is more to come on this on the next few pages.

Links to Other Pages

Suggested Next Page:

One Self, Yet Many Unique People

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