Life, Oneness, and You

The huge benefits of awakening to all that Life and You really are

You Are Part of the Oneness

You Are the Oneness, Expressing Itself as a Human Being

Most of us have been conditioned during our development since early childhood to believe that we are separate from everything and everyone else, including whatever created us. This is called Duality, where there is ourselves and everything else, and even the "everything else" is all separate too.

Even those who are on a spiritual path of awakening are told that they are humans wanting to experience Oneness, whereas each of us is actually already the Oneness itself, experiencing life from the perspective of one unique human being.

You Are The One You Are the Universe, Experiencing Itself as You

The homepage made two important points, firstly that the greatest treasure we will ever find is "the light within our heart", and secondly that Awareness is the first component in creation of the holograms that we call "reality". It is the Vital Force within everything.

These two major points, and everything else in the Universe, flow from one Source. I cannot prove this to you, it is something that you will have to discover yourself, when you are ready.

This one "Source-of-all-Things" has been given many hundreds of names throughout history, with some of the names relating to its many roles. One of my favourite names for it is "the Divine Oneness of All-That-Is". Some of my other favourites are "The One Self" or simply "the One" or "Oneness". Sometimes the term "Unity Consciousness" is used.

There is Only ONE 'I Am'
Oneness/Unity vs Duality

One of the most used names for what created us is "God". But that word has been corrupted by the three dualistic religions to mean the opposite of Oneness, which is Duality. In this context Duality means a God who is a separate being outside of us, rather that a state of being within us.

There have been some outstanding teachers who have come throughout history to teach humanity about spirituality and principles for living harmoniously with each other. Some have had man-made religions built around them and some have not. While having great respect for the teachers themselves, and their teachings, I am not a follower of any of the dualistic religions. I am however supportive of philosophies based on Unity Consciousness such as most Eastern philosophies.

This site does not say anything further about the dualistic religions. This site is not about religion.

The One Self is within All of Us

The-Source-of-All-Things, called God and numerous other names, is at the very core of our being, and it is the same in everyone and everything. It is surrounded by many things within us and about us that make each of us unique, even though we all share the same One Self at the very innermost and highest level. (More on Levels of Self later.)

The fact that we all share the One Self was put very well by Mahatma Gandhi in the following quotation:

Gandhi-That Place in Us

The inner journey of awakening is not just to "know about" this with your mind and brain by reading about it, but to know it from within your very being by experiencing it yourself, and to be connected to it as the highest level of what you are.

“The Self cannot be found in books. You have to find it for yourself in yourself.”

~Sri Ramana Maharshi

To really spell it out, the journey involves realising at some point that you are not a Self because you have a brain, but because you are the One Self, accompanied by many things that make you unique.

The Self Cannot be found by the Mind

"God", or whatever other name you use for it, is not a separate being living outside of you, but is within everything and everyone including you. Two of my favourite sayings follow. They would not be possible if the One Self was not present in all of us.

“God lives within you, as you.”

~from one of the branches of Yoga

You can learn a lot by being aware of this saying:

"God speaks to you and through you."

What is "God"?

God is a State of Being I Am God

"For those who believe, no proof is necessary, for those who disbelieve, no proof is sufficient."

~ St Ignacio de Loyola

The Same Spark is in All Things

Spark of Infinite Energy Within All Things

The king said to the sage "I will give you half of my kingdom if you'll show me where God is".

The sage replied to the king: "I'll give you twice your kingdom if you tell me where God is not".

~ Unknown Source

You Are the One Life



In a YouTube video, Eckhart Tolle speaks about becoming aware of "the presence of Presence" while we are tuning in to silence. I have experienced this, as many readers would have, but did not put a name to it at the time. I just enjoyed experiencing it.

Presence is another name for "that which cannot be named" (as discussed on the next page), reflecting one of its many roles.


It is clear from the quotations on this page by well respected Teachers about Life that they know, as I do, that All-that-Is including the One Self is part of the Oneness. That Self is the highest part of all living things.

It requires an inner journey of Awakening to reach the knowingness that your own self is the One Self.

"Non-Dual", an Unsuitable Name for Oneness

(The thoughts in this small section are my own personal thoughts only.)

Oneness is sometimes referred to as "Non-Dual" in modern writings, and I think that this does not make sense. It is using a double negative as a definition for something that is quite positive.

The word Duality is used to mean the opposite of Oneness, so "non-dual" must literally mean "not the opposite of Oneness". My mind boggles at what a convoluted and confusing way of saying "Oneness" this is.

It is a very indirect way of saying a word that directly expresses the most important principle in the whole Universe.

I am not being critical of the talented and well-meaning teachers who use the term, but am definitely being critical of the term itself.

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The Oneness of All-That-Is

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