Life, Oneness, and You
The huge benefits of awakening to all that Life and You really are
The Oneness of All-That-Is
The Universe Started from Nothing
I am getting guided to start this section by pointing out that the Universe must have created itself from nothing, or at least from nothing that was manifested.
It is not important whether there was a "big bang" 13.8 billion years ago or not, because at some point before the big bang if there was one, there must have been nothing manifested at all.
Considering how complex the Universe is now, creating all this from nothing has been a truly amazing feat, quite breathtaking really. And it is not over yet, it will be ongoing forever.
Only a Single Awareness Came into Existence
I read a book once that said it was channelled directly from Source. In the book, Source said that in the beginning it drifted in and out of Awareness/ Consciousness for a very long period.
Countless quotations throughout history from many wise beings have said that there is only One Awareness.
This cannot be proven, however the process of awakening enables a person to realize this for themselves.
Everything is Connected, not only People
Sages and teachers ranging from ancient mystics to modern quantum physicists, and many in-between, have said that absolutely everything in the Universe is connected. Not only people are connected, but also animals and other non-human life, and physical things from sub-atomic particles and atoms, to planets, solar systems and galaxies etc.
It can be quite pleasant to see the affectionate connection between parents and their children, between life partners, and between a human and their pet animal.
"That Which Cannot be Named" (1)
Eckhart Tolle's Words
The quotation below by Eckhart Tolle has many good points that are so true. The reason it has been included here is because of its last sentence, which says: "And at the innermost core, there is the sacred, the immeasurable, That which cannot be named."
As mentioned before, the Infinite has been given hundred of names throught history, so why is Eckhart Tolle referring to it as "that which cannot be named"?
I believe that most or all of the names given to it is a name for a role, and it is not what the infinite really is, but what it does, and roles that it fulfils.
Names such as "The Source af All Things" and "The Divine Oneness of All that Is" illustrate the vastness of its roles, but they are still roles and not what it asctually is. Each of the roles, no matter how vast, is not the totality of what the Unnameable actually is.
Thus the One Self, which is the name being emphasized here, is not the only role for "that which cannot be named".
I invite you to think about this for a while. Even the name "God" is still a role, especially within belief systems based on dualistic religions.
"That which Cannot Be Named" (2)
Mooji's Words
Here is what Mooji has to say about Awareness, which provides further support for the claim that it is a part of "that which cannot be named":
It is beyond our finite minds to be able to understand this, how anything that has led to the creation of everything coud be uncreated itself. All we can do is accept it.
It is an illustration of the principle that something can only be created by something else that has a higher power to create than itself. In this case, the uncreated has more freedom to create than what it has created.
That Which Cannot Be Named (3)
My Opinion
Maybe the best name for what is being referred to here is actually the words themselves, "That Which Cannot Be Named", but the term is too long to be convenient to use throughout this website. Is there a shorter term or even a single word that could be used for convenience?
Originally the term Awareness was to be used for "that which cannot be named", and the domain name for this website was to be AwarenessAndYou.Life. Then I realised that the whole of Life contains more aspests of the Oneness than Awareness alone.
Thus the word "Life", provided that it is understood to refer to all of the components, meanings, and roles associated with it on this website, comes closest for me to a single word to refer to "That Which Cannot Be Named".
This may not be your opinion, and that is perfectly understandable, as all of the terms are parts of the inseparable Oneness.
Now you can see why the site's domain name is "LifeAndYou.Life". The word "Life" is focused on twice in the domain name, and I am hoping that it will be easy for people to remember.
When I am wanting to talk more personally with the One Self, I often use the word "Source" where religious people would use the word "God". Just choose a name that feels good to you, there is no right and wrong when we are referring to the Absolute.
Scientific Evidence of the Connectedness of All Things
"Black Whole" Video by Nassim Haramein
A video on Youtube featuring the well known and very talented Nassim Haramein explores the issue of the connectedness of everything, and shows that everything is One from the perspective of his technical analysis.
Based on his outstanding video at the link below, and his other works, I rank him alongside Albert Einstein and Nicola Tesla in his contribution to the scientific understanding of the Universe. I hope you realise how strong this endorsement of him and his work is.
Some of his presentation is from a very technical perspective. However, much of the video could still be enjoyed by people who are not technically inclined. The video is about 92 minutes long, and I recommend that you watch it all and just "tune out" during any parts that are too technical for you. The initial part is not technical so you could watch at least that much, but hopefully more.
Using convincing technical arguments and mathematics of the Universe, he concludes that space is the factor that connects everything. He says that the amount of matter in "empty space" is vastly larger that the amount of matter in all physical objects combined (see below).
My thoughts on this are that maybe it is actuallly what is within space (the undefinable and unnameable) that is what connects everything.
Click on the image below to watch the video on YouTube:
In the video, Nassim points out that physicists keep trying to understand how the Universe is created by looking for smaller and smaller particles, by smashing sub-atomic particles together in particle accelerators such as CERN. However the the truth is right in front of us for all to see. The Universe uses two strategies to create itself. Firstly, it creates something out of nothing, and secondly it cleverly combines and integrates smaller items into larger items which are something new, and different from the sum of their parts.
I find it fascinating that each larger item has different and more powerful properties than the smaller items from which it is made. A few examples of this are:
- atoms in your body combine to make cells
- cells combine to make organs bones and muscles etc
- organs bones and muscles combine to make your physical body
- your physical body combines with the non-physical components of you to make a whole person
- you as a person combine with other people to make a family and a society
- and so on right up to solar systems making galaxies and galaxies making one or more Universes.
Nassim shows mathematically that almost 100% of the mass of the Universe is within space, and not in the physical items within space such as stars and planets. (This seeems to fit well the nothingness of space referred to by Alan Watts).
[My apologies for referring to two different Teachers in this section, but they are both prominent Teachers in different areas, and they are saying fairly similar and fundamental things about the way the Universe creates itself.]
Nassim shows that the energy density of space is beyond massive, with a density many orders of magnitude higher than anything else, but it has been ignored by most physicists. They have simply written it out of their equations, to make their incorrect understanding seem to be correct.
He makes the powerful statement that the energy density of space is "the source of all of reality".
This ties in with what I refer to on later pages as the "Vital force" that creates Holograms of Life.
Nassim Haramein is featured in many other videos, and if you would like to see more of them, I recommend that you search on Youtube and/or your favourite search engine.
The Oneness of the Universe is teaching about itself through Nassim Haremein, just as it has taught about different aspects of itself through many other Teachers. It is teaching about its One Self and how it creates "reality" with holograms through me on this website.
Link to Next Section, on Benefits
Click below to see the potential benefits of the material on this website becoming widely understood:
Click here
The Benefits of this Becoming Understood
A Better Life for You
Once you accept and integrate the principles spoken about on this website, your own life will change for the better. Many teachers have said that, and it has been my experience too.
A Better World
Once enough people understand that at the level of their Self they are really brothers and sisters within the Oneness, humanity will change for the better.
Many forms of competition will fall out of favour, and be replaced by cooperation. I look forward to when games based on competition, aggression and fighting are replaced by games of cooperation.
Egos Integrating with Our True Self
Our egos will soften as they become more integrated with our True Self, our Higher Self. This single factor will be what leads to a better life for you and a better world for all.
An End of War
The biggest and most welcome change will be an end of war with all its brutality to other humans, and heartbreak for relatives and friends.
War is based on separateness and mistrust, the opposite from a sense of oneness. That is why there are so many wars between followers of the dualistic religions. Wars with fighting and killing even between different factions of the same religion are common.
Once people understand that "the enemy" is actually a brother or sister within the Oneness, sharing the same One Self, they will no longer see them as "the enemy" to be killed.
Money for Humanitarian Causes
Also, the huge amounts of money and human effort spent on war and preparation for war each year could be used instead for humanitarian causes, so that every single person has their basic survival needs met.
Money and effort could be spent instead on things such as feeding the starving, providing adequate clothing and accommodation for every person, and proper education for everyone, all regardless of where they live or how much money they have.
Would You Like to Help Make It Happen?
If you would like to support the creation of a better world, one thing you could do is to spread awareness of this website to any family members, friends and co-workers who just may be interested.
If you use social media, sending messages to friends and/or posting on your personal page or in groups (where allowed) could be worthwhile. Don't be pushy or break rules though, as it puts people off.
Links to Other Pages:
Suggested Next Page:
The One Self and You
Or the Can-You-Help Page:
Can You Help
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Contents List
The Universe Started from Nothing
I am getting guided to start this section by pointing out that the Universe must have created itself from nothing, or at least from nothing that was manifested.
It is not important whether there was a "big bang" 13.8 billion years ago or not, because at some point before the big bang if there was one, there must have been nothing manifested at all.
Considering how complex the Universe is now, creating all this from nothing has been a truly amazing feat, quite breathtaking really. And it is not over yet, it will be ongoing forever.
Only a Single Awareness Came into Existence
I read a book once that said it was channelled directly from Source. In the book, Source said that in the beginning it drifted in and out of Awareness/ Consciousness for a very long period.
Countless quotations throughout history from many wise beings have said that there is only One Awareness.
This cannot be proven, however the process of awakening enables a person to realize this for themselves.
Everything is Connected, not only People
Sages and teachers ranging from ancient mystics to modern quantum physicists, and many in-between, have said that absolutely everything in the Universe is connected. Not only people are connected, but also animals and other non-human life, and physical things from sub-atomic particles and atoms, to planets, solar systems and galaxies etc.
It can be quite pleasant to see the affectionate connection between parents and their children, between life partners, and between a human and their pet animal.
"That Which Cannot be Named" (1)
Eckhart Tolle's Words
The quotation below by Eckhart Tolle has many good points that are so true. The reason it has been included here is because of its last sentence, which says: "And at the innermost core, there is the sacred, the immeasurable, That which cannot be named."

As mentioned before, the Infinite has been given hundred of names throught history, so why is Eckhart Tolle referring to it as "that which cannot be named"?
I believe that most or all of the names given to it is a name for a role, and it is not what the infinite really is, but what it does, and roles that it fulfils.
Names such as "The Source af All Things" and "The Divine Oneness of All that Is" illustrate the vastness of its roles, but they are still roles and not what it asctually is. Each of the roles, no matter how vast, is not the totality of what the Unnameable actually is.
Thus the One Self, which is the name being emphasized here, is not the only role for "that which cannot be named".
I invite you to think about this for a while. Even the name "God" is still a role, especially within belief systems based on dualistic religions.
"That which Cannot Be Named" (2)
Mooji's Words
Here is what Mooji has to say about Awareness, which provides further support for the claim that it is a part of "that which cannot be named":

It is beyond our finite minds to be able to understand this, how anything that has led to the creation of everything coud be uncreated itself. All we can do is accept it.
It is an illustration of the principle that something can only be created by something else that has a higher power to create than itself. In this case, the uncreated has more freedom to create than what it has created.
That Which Cannot Be Named (3)
My Opinion
Maybe the best name for what is being referred to here is actually the words themselves, "That Which Cannot Be Named", but the term is too long to be convenient to use throughout this website. Is there a shorter term or even a single word that could be used for convenience?
Originally the term Awareness was to be used for "that which cannot be named", and the domain name for this website was to be AwarenessAndYou.Life. Then I realised that the whole of Life contains more aspests of the Oneness than Awareness alone.
Thus the word "Life", provided that it is understood to refer to all of the components, meanings, and roles associated with it on this website, comes closest for me to a single word to refer to "That Which Cannot Be Named".
This may not be your opinion, and that is perfectly understandable, as all of the terms are parts of the inseparable Oneness.
Now you can see why the site's domain name is "LifeAndYou.Life". The word "Life" is focused on twice in the domain name, and I am hoping that it will be easy for people to remember.
When I am wanting to talk more personally with the One Self, I often use the word "Source" where religious people would use the word "God". Just choose a name that feels good to you, there is no right and wrong when we are referring to the Absolute.
Scientific Evidence of the Connectedness of All Things
"Black Whole" Video by Nassim Haramein
A video on Youtube featuring the well known and very talented Nassim Haramein explores the issue of the connectedness of everything, and shows that everything is One from the perspective of his technical analysis.
Based on his outstanding video at the link below, and his other works, I rank him alongside Albert Einstein and Nicola Tesla in his contribution to the scientific understanding of the Universe. I hope you realise how strong this endorsement of him and his work is.
Some of his presentation is from a very technical perspective. However, much of the video could still be enjoyed by people who are not technically inclined. The video is about 92 minutes long, and I recommend that you watch it all and just "tune out" during any parts that are too technical for you. The initial part is not technical so you could watch at least that much, but hopefully more.
Using convincing technical arguments and mathematics of the Universe, he concludes that space is the factor that connects everything. He says that the amount of matter in "empty space" is vastly larger that the amount of matter in all physical objects combined (see below).
My thoughts on this are that maybe it is actuallly what is within space (the undefinable and unnameable) that is what connects everything.
Click on the image below to watch the video on YouTube:

In the video, Nassim points out that physicists keep trying to understand how the Universe is created by looking for smaller and smaller particles, by smashing sub-atomic particles together in particle accelerators such as CERN. However the the truth is right in front of us for all to see. The Universe uses two strategies to create itself. Firstly, it creates something out of nothing, and secondly it cleverly combines and integrates smaller items into larger items which are something new, and different from the sum of their parts.
I find it fascinating that each larger item has different and more powerful properties than the smaller items from which it is made. A few examples of this are:
- atoms in your body combine to make cells
- cells combine to make organs bones and muscles etc
- organs bones and muscles combine to make your physical body
- your physical body combines with the non-physical components of you to make a whole person
- you as a person combine with other people to make a family and a society
- and so on right up to solar systems making galaxies and galaxies making one or more Universes.
Nassim shows mathematically that almost 100% of the mass of the Universe is within space, and not in the physical items within space such as stars and planets. (This seeems to fit well the nothingness of space referred to by Alan Watts).
[My apologies for referring to two different Teachers in this section, but they are both prominent Teachers in different areas, and they are saying fairly similar and fundamental things about the way the Universe creates itself.]
Nassim shows that the energy density of space is beyond massive, with a density many orders of magnitude higher than anything else, but it has been ignored by most physicists. They have simply written it out of their equations, to make their incorrect understanding seem to be correct.
He makes the powerful statement that the energy density of space is "the source of all of reality".
This ties in with what I refer to on later pages as the "Vital force" that creates Holograms of Life.
Nassim Haramein is featured in many other videos, and if you would like to see more of them, I recommend that you search on Youtube and/or your favourite search engine.
The Oneness of the Universe is teaching about itself through Nassim Haremein, just as it has taught about different aspects of itself through many other Teachers. It is teaching about its One Self and how it creates "reality" with holograms through me on this website.
Link to Next Section, on Benefits
Click below to see the potential benefits of the material on this website becoming widely understood:
Click hereThe Benefits of this Becoming Understood
A Better Life for You
Once you accept and integrate the principles spoken about on this website, your own life will change for the better. Many teachers have said that, and it has been my experience too.
A Better World
Once enough people understand that at the level of their Self they are really brothers and sisters within the Oneness, humanity will change for the better.
Many forms of competition will fall out of favour, and be replaced by cooperation. I look forward to when games based on competition, aggression and fighting are replaced by games of cooperation.
Egos Integrating with Our True Self
Our egos will soften as they become more integrated with our True Self, our Higher Self. This single factor will be what leads to a better life for you and a better world for all.
An End of War
The biggest and most welcome change will be an end of war with all its brutality to other humans, and heartbreak for relatives and friends.
War is based on separateness and mistrust, the opposite from a sense of oneness. That is why there are so many wars between followers of the dualistic religions. Wars with fighting and killing even between different factions of the same religion are common.
Once people understand that "the enemy" is actually a brother or sister within the Oneness, sharing the same One Self, they will no longer see them as "the enemy" to be killed.
Money for Humanitarian Causes
Also, the huge amounts of money and human effort spent on war and preparation for war each year could be used instead for humanitarian causes, so that every single person has their basic survival needs met.
Money and effort could be spent instead on things such as feeding the starving, providing adequate clothing and accommodation for every person, and proper education for everyone, all regardless of where they live or how much money they have.
Would You Like to Help Make It Happen?
If you would like to support the creation of a better world, one thing you could do is to spread awareness of this website to any family members, friends and co-workers who just may be interested.

If you use social media, sending messages to friends and/or posting on your personal page or in groups (where allowed) could be worthwhile. Don't be pushy or break rules though, as it puts people off.
Links to Other Pages:
Suggested Next Page:
The One Self and YouOr the Can-You-Help Page:
Can You HelpOr go back to the Contents List:
Contents List