Life, Oneness, and You
The huge benefits of awakening to all that Life and You really are
Co-Creating Your Life
Co-Creating Your Life with the Universe
Co-creation has always been part of human life.
The hypothesis of this book is that we are creating our life and its contents as a Personal Hologram that is within and part of the Universal Hologram. It has always been that way; the hypothesis is simply providing additional understanding of how it happens.
“You create the world that you know. You have been given perhaps the most awesome gift of all: the ability to project your thoughts outward into physical form.”
~Seth (Jane Roberts) ‘Seth Speaks’
I really like the term in the heading above because it puts emphasis on both ourselves (as the image) combining with the Universe (as the Vital Force), to create the things in a person's life, and by implication creation of the person themselves.
I came across the term in the early part of my own journey of awakening, well before some theoretical physicists speculated for the first time in 1998 that they believed that the Universe is a hologram.
Different Understandings of what the Word "Manifesting" Means
The term "Manifesting" has become very popular in more recent years. It means different things to different people, although there is always a common theme of creating by using your mind or thoughts in some way. Some of these different understandings follow:
- For some people, when the single word "manifesting" is used, they have an awareness that it includes involvement by the Higher (Spiritial) Plane as well as any action taken by the manifestor on the Lower (Physial) Plane. That is the meaning that I put on it.
- Another common teaching and belief is that it is our subconscious mind that does the work. This is half-correct, but also half-incorrect. the true role for the subscoscious mind is to receive thoughts from the conscious mind of what is wanted, and to add emotion to it and pass it up to the Higher Mind, (the Vital Force, the One Self). (This is also sometimes called the superconscious mind in this context, but it is an awkward term and I do not use it.)
- Another approach is to use specific techniques alone, mostly mind techniques. Most of these are ways of stating clearly what you are wanting. This technique tends to put the power into the techniques rather that your Self, but it does not have to. A listing of the main techniques is given later on this page.
- There are also methods based on pure ego, where someone sells or buys a course on "how to command the Universe" to deliver what is being requested/demanded. The Universe is not there to be commanded. A respectful and humble attitude is required, with gratitude.
The different understandings of the term "manifesting" listed above cover a wide range, from your True Self and the Universe working together to co-create what is wanted, to using ego to attempt to "command" the Universe to deliver what is wanted. Which method do you think will be the most effective?
Principles and Techniques that Can be Used
The word "principles" is being used here for strategies that involve the application of some type of persoal principles, and the word "techniques" is being used for techniques that primarily mental in nature. The principles and techniques can both be used together, and some items are in both categories.
Principles are discussed first, followed by a list of techniques.
Free Will
The issue of how much free will we have is quite relevant to the subjects of Co-Creating and Manifesting, but it is really a separate subject in its own right. It is discussed on a later page, following discussion of Levels of Self.
1. Being Clear about what You Want
Finding the Right Path for Yourself
Being clear about the life you want and what you want to manifest in it is probably the most important principle of all.
Most of the ten mental techniques listed later on this page will help with getting clear on what to want to be, do and have in your life.
2. Settting an Intention to Co-Create with the Universe
Setting an intention is a form of making a decision. Any type of true decision is quite powerful.
When we use the term "manifesting", it is more empowering to have in mind that we are meaning "co‑creating our life with the Universe". It is not about wishful thinking, and certainly not about ego and greed.
3. Doing something "for its own sake", and with Integrity
These are all part of honesty
You Get Back What You Put Out
You send your energy out to the Universe, and it sends similar energy back to you. This energy is used for the building of your own hologram (your life).
4. "Be the Person ... "
Manifesting Techniques
A List of Ten Techniques Useful for Manifesting
The 5-minute video on YouTube at the following link gives a good summary of ten mental techniques which help in the manifesting process:
Link: Mental Techniques for Manifesting
The subjects discussed in the video are listed below. These are mostly useful mental techniques rather than the principles mentioned above. Most of them are ways to be clear and confirm what you want.
- Settting clear and specific intentions, and writing them down
- Visualisation
- Positive Affirmations
- Gratitude Practice
- Vision Board
- Scripting
- Meditation
- Acting As If ...
- Letting Go
- Inspired Action
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Co-Creating Your Life with the Universe
Co-creation has always been part of human life. The hypothesis of this book is that we are creating our life and its contents as a Personal Hologram that is within and part of the Universal Hologram. It has always been that way; the hypothesis is simply providing additional understanding of how it happens. "
“You create the world that you know. You have been given perhaps the most awesome gift of all: the ability to project your thoughts outward into physical form.”
~Seth (Jane Roberts) ‘Seth Speaks’
I really like the term in the heading above because it puts emphasis on both ourselves (as the image) combining with the Universe (as the Vital Force), to create the things in a person's life, and by implication creation of the person themselves.
I came across the term in the early part of my own journey of awakening, well before some theoretical physicists speculated for the first time in 1998 that they believed that the Universe is a hologram.
Different Understandings of what the Word "Manifesting" Means
The term "Manifesting" has become very popular in more recent years. It means different things to different people, although there is always a common theme of creating by using your mind or thoughts in some way. Some of these different understandings follow:
- For some people, when the single word "manifesting" is used, they have an awareness that it includes involvement by the Higher (Spiritial) Plane as well as any action taken by the manifestor on the Lower (Physial) Plane. That is the meaning that I put on it.
- Another common teaching and belief is that it is our subconscious mind that does the work. This is half-correct, but also half-incorrect. the true role for the subscoscious mind is to receive thoughts from the conscious mind of what is wanted, and to add emotion to it and pass it up to the Higher Mind, (the Vital Force, the One Self). (This is also sometimes called the superconscious mind in this context, but it is an awkward term and I do not use it.)
- Another approach is to use specific techniques alone, mostly mind techniques. Most of these are ways of stating clearly what you are wanting. This technique tends to put the power into the techniques rather that your Self, but it does not have to. A listing of the main techniques is given later on this page.
- There are also methods based on pure ego, where someone sells or buys a course on "how to command the Universe" to deliver what is being requested/demanded. The Universe is not there to be commanded. A respectful and humble attitude is required, with gratitude.
The different understandings of the term "manifesting" listed above cover a wide range, from your True Self and the Universe working together to co-create what is wanted, to using ego to attempt to "command" the Universe to deliver what is wanted. Which method do you think will be the most effective?
Principles and Techniques that Can be Used
The word "principles" is being used here for strategies that involve the application of some type of persoal principles, and the word "techniques" is being used for techniques that primarily mental in nature. The principles and techniques can both be used together, and some items are in both categories.
Principles are discussed first, followed by a list of techniques.
Free Will
The issue of how much free will we have is quite relevant to the subjects of Co-Creating and Manifesting, but it is really a separate subject in its own right. It is discussed on a later page, following discussion of Levels of Self.
1. Being Clear about what You Want
Finding the Right Path for Yourself
Being clear about the life you want and what you want to manifest in it is probably the most important principle of all.
Most of the ten mental techniques listed later on this page will help with getting clear on what to want to be, do and have in your life.
2. Settting an Intention to Co-Create with the Universe
Setting an intention is a form of making a decision. Any type of true decision is quite powerful.
When we use the term "manifesting", it is more empowering to have in mind that we are meaning "co‑creating our life with the Universe". It is not about wishful thinking, and certainly not about ego and greed.
3. Doing something "for its own sake", and with Integrity
These are all part of honesty
You Get Back What You Put Out
You send your energy out to the Universe, and it sends similar energy back to you. This energy is used for the building of your own hologram (your life).
4. "Be the Person ... "
Manifesting Techniques
A List of Ten Techniques Useful for Manifesting
The 5-minute video on YouTube at the following link gives a good summary of ten mental techniques which help in the manifesting process:
Link: Mental Techniques for ManifestingThe subjects discussed in the video are listed below. These are mostly useful mental techniques rather than the principles mentioned above. Most of them are ways to be clear and confirm what you want.
- Settting clear and specific intentions, and writing them down
- Visualisation
- Positive Affirmations
- Gratitude Practice
- Vision Board
- Scripting
- Meditation
- Acting As If ...
- Letting Go
- Inspired Action
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