Life, Oneness, and You
The huge benefits of awakening to all that Life and You really are
About Free Will
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Free Will - Part 1
Free Will vs Determinism
A Simplified Overview
A Deeper Discussion of the Interplay, and the Importance of Decisions
A deeper discussion on these subjects is quoted below. It is relevant to the Universal Hologram and our Personal Hologram discussed in this book, but may be too deep for some readers. The discussion that follows is reproduced from:
Link to Original Article"
“Once you make a decision, the universe conspires to make it happen; these profound words by Ralph Waldo Emerson encapsulate the power and influence of our choices. In a straightforward way, this quote suggests that once we commit to a decision, the entire universe aligns itself to support and manifest that choice. It implies that our decisions hold immense power and have the ability to shape our reality.
This notion of the universe conspiring may seem extraordinary and fantastical, but it touches upon an interesting philosophical concept known as determinism.
Determinism is the belief that every event, including human actions, is determined by an unbroken chain of cause and effect. According to this philosophy, our decisions are not made in isolation or based solely on our free will, but are ultimately influenced by the entirety of the universe's past. This concept proposes that once we make a decision, the universe, in its intricacy and interconnectedness, responds accordingly, unveiling a series of events leading towards the realization of our choice.
While determinism may initially appear contradictory to the notion of free will, it adds a fascinating layer to Emerson's quote. The idea that our decisions are entwined with the cosmic fabric of the universe suggests that there is both an interplay between causality and our ability to choose. It reminds us that we are not merely solitary agents making decisions, but rather participants entangled within the complex web of the universe.
Free Will - Part 3
Free Will - Part 4
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(this webpage is under construction)
Free Will - Part 1
Free Will vs Determinism
A Simplified Overview
A Deeper Discussion of the Interplay, and the Importance of Decisions
A deeper discussion on these subjects is quoted below. It is relevant to the Universal Hologram and our Personal Hologram discussed in this book, but may be too deep for some readers. The discussion that follows is reproduced from:
Link to Original Article"“Once you make a decision, the universe conspires to make it happen; these profound words by Ralph Waldo Emerson encapsulate the power and influence of our choices. In a straightforward way, this quote suggests that once we commit to a decision, the entire universe aligns itself to support and manifest that choice. It implies that our decisions hold immense power and have the ability to shape our reality.
This notion of the universe conspiring may seem extraordinary and fantastical, but it touches upon an interesting philosophical concept known as determinism.
Determinism is the belief that every event, including human actions, is determined by an unbroken chain of cause and effect. According to this philosophy, our decisions are not made in isolation or based solely on our free will, but are ultimately influenced by the entirety of the universe's past. This concept proposes that once we make a decision, the universe, in its intricacy and interconnectedness, responds accordingly, unveiling a series of events leading towards the realization of our choice.
While determinism may initially appear contradictory to the notion of free will, it adds a fascinating layer to Emerson's quote. The idea that our decisions are entwined with the cosmic fabric of the universe suggests that there is both an interplay between causality and our ability to choose. It reminds us that we are not merely solitary agents making decisions, but rather participants entangled within the complex web of the universe.
Free Will - Part 3
Free Will - Part 4
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