Life, Oneness, and You
The huge benefits of awakening to all that Life and You really are
Some Suggestions
Some Suggestions that Might Help - Part 1
The following suggestions are based on my own journey, and will form the basis of a course to be called "Journey of Reconnection" (to Life) that I am intending to develop during 2025.
A Spirit Guide said to me through a psychic I saw many years ago: "Your life purpose is reconnection to life". I did not even know how disconnected from Life I was at that time. Now I can see clearly that at least a major part of my life purpose was to go through the journey of reconnection myself and then teach about it to others.
The proposed course will be presented under four main headings, and each of these will have two parts, as shown in the list below. I find it helpful to visualise these as being components of a circle or disk which is formed from four quadrants / eight sectors.
The list below shows names of the eight categories, and serves as an overview of the content on this page:
A. Roles for the Self and Mind
1. Decisions, Choices and Intents
2. Beliefs and Expectations
B. Commicating with the Inner Self
3. Silence
4. Multi-Level Journalling
C. Inner and Surrounding Influences
5. Care and Respect for Your Body and Mind
6. Surrounding Influences - Who and What?
D. Experiencing Being Connected
7. Feeling the Onenesss, Especially in Your Core
8. Experiencing Being Part of the Oneness
Some brief comments that may be helpful follow on these subjects. The full Journey of Reconnection course will include more material under these eight headings, when it becomes available in 2025.
A section on how the present creates the past follows commments about the eight points.
Suggestions - Part 2
1. Decisions, Choices and Intents
A true decision, where you are really saying to yourself I will be, do or have this "no matter what it takes", is like choosing to take one fork or the other in a road. Everything from then on is related to the road you chose and not to the road you did not choose. It can have a huge effect on your life from then on.
"Setting an intention" is similar to making a decision, but it is made in the present about an outcome you want or do not want in the future.
During my own journey I did not know what I was looking for, I was just looking for "what was wrong with me". Now that I have gone through a long and painful journey myself, I am able to give you the contents of this website. This should make your own journey faster and more pleasant. Remember, take what you want and leave the rest.
2. Beliefs and Expectations
This website should help you to develop your own beliefs and expectations for your inner journey and its outcome.
On the previous page (Journey of Awakening), I made a suggestion that you might like to put something on your wall, to remind you that you are on a journey towards a very positive outcome. The painting called "What Only Exists in the Mind" by Jeffery Smith was suggested, but any painting, artwork or simply words that represent a positive outcome to you would be sufficient. I did not have anything like that during my journey, but wish I did.
This would serve as a reminder of your expectations.
3. Silence
Of all the techniques mentioned on this page, I believe based on my experience that Silence is the most valuable.
"... It's in the Silence where pure awareness reveals itself to you. It's in the Silence where you will receive the message. Never be afraid to sit in the Silence. It is your greatest asset."
~ Author Unknown
The meaning of the word "meditation" is not very clear to me, even though I have done several courses on meditation. But I do love "just being" in silence with Source. Regardless of the word used, the potential value of Silence is made clear by the following quotation from the Dalai Lama:
Other Ways to get into a "Flow State"
Although Silence is my overall favourite, I thought that other practices that could enable you to get into a "flow state" should be briefly mentioned here to keep a balanced view. Being in a flow state is a way of being in the present.
These include:
- Watching a beautiful sunset
- Star gazing
- Listening to music (not all typrs)
- Dancing (not all types)
- Nature watching
- Gardening
- Martial arts
- and more ...
4. Multi-Level Journalling
This is a technique that I steadily developed in the early part of my journey, starting from someone else's technique called "two handed writing". I won't go into the steps in developing it, but will describe what it has evolved to now. This technique as described below, plus Silence, have remained as my two most helpful techniques for decades now. I would not want to be without them.
I think of this form of journalling as a way to write out a conversation between two levels of my self. I will write about Levels of Self in the future. Note that I am talking of levels of the one self, not different selves within us.
With the journalling, the lower level of self is my normal everyday self that writes questions and makes comments, and the other level is the Highest Level that I am able to hear from in relation to the subject being discussed. (This will depend on my level of vibration.)
It is important to hold the belief and intent that you will get answers and guidance from a Higher Level of your Self. I often start by writing "to the Higher and Highest Level of my Self, and the Highest Guidance available to me". Use whatever words will work for you.
I imagine a vertical line drawn down the middle of the page. On the right-hand side, I write my comments and questions from my everyday self. On the left-hand side, I write whatever answer or comment I pick up from a higher level of my self. I usually start writing any answers below the end of the question or comment, but in the other column.
The whole aim is to pick up what comes into your mind instantly, without thinking about it by using your logical mind and your lower self. Have this as your intent.
I use my dominant hand for both columns on the page. In my case that is my right hand. It may work better for you the other way around. There is no right and wrong with any of this, it just requires experimnting and developing what works best for you.
This technique does not always work, and it requires time and patience to develop your skills. The effort has been worthwhile for me, as I have received lots of useful advice and guidance over the decades.
5. Care and Respect for Your Body and Mind
One of the main goals of all of these techniques is to "raise your vibration". Artices on this subject can be found on many websites. There is even a book written with those exact words as its title.
Obviously we are talking here about things like eating and drinking healthy foods and avoiding unhealthy ones, out of respect for your body which is called "the Temple of your Soul".
One of the very first things that happened in my life as soon as I started listening to my Inner Self is that I gave up eating animal flesh. I will not say more on this subject and will leave it to you. In recent years I have eaten some limited amounts of fish on very rare occasions.
Any addictive substances will work actively to lower your vibration and inhibit your awakening.
Alcohol is a drug with wide social acceptance. Sometimes it leads to addiction with disastrous results for families especiallly children. Sometimes however it does not, if only consumed socially on limited occasions. But in every case, alcohol decreases the connection between consciousness and the brain. Just think of a social party where alcohol is consumed. The drinkers get louder and more stupid as the party continues. This is not raising anyone's vibration.
The same considerations apply to what we consume with our minds. The more regularly we do it, the more effect it has, whether positive or negative. You can use your own imagination to think of examples of what you feed to your mind.
6. Surrounding Influences
The effect of the influences you surround yourself with is sometimes mentioned in personal development courses, because it too has quite a big effect. The influences can be from the people you mix with, what you read online and offline, movies and videos you watch etc, and self-talk that reflects your attitude to life.
Energies in Our Auras Mix with Each Other
It is often said that your behaviours and habits will be very similar to those of your five closest friends or associates. Things rub off, from one persn to another.
This is particularly noticeable when energies in the auras mix regularly, especially with intimate relationships.
Our energy fields are often described as having a torus shape as shown in the image below. Notice how they overlap, allowing the eneries to become mixed.
7. Feeling the Oneness Within
This item is for when you have made some progress with awakening by doing items 1-6. This is about feeling the energy of the Oneness within as the "I Am", especially in your core area.
Our core area is located right in the middle of our chest, between the heart and the solar plexus, (between the third and fourth chakras), only right inside our chest. (Note that while most writers refer to our heart as being our core, many artists tend to draw it as being in the centre of our chest, below our heart.)
I experience the feeling by lying down peacefully, and feeling the energy within my core area. It leads to a feeling that energy is flowing from my core area to the rest of my body.
The image below is a clever artistic combination of two principles - firstly that the energy flow is to and from our core area, and secondly that it is from and to the Universe of which we are a part.
All of these techniques are intended to cause you to focus on the Source of Life that is both inside and outside of you, and for you to want to be connected to it, and to want to feel connected to it.
Feel that it is part of you and you are part of it, as it can be no other way.
8. Experiencing the Oneness of Life
Once awakened, you become able to see and enjoy the Oneness of Life. In general, Life just flows smoothly and effortlessly when humans do not get in the way with their logical minds that do not understand, and sometimes with bad tempers resulting from frustralions.
One of the enjoyments in Life when you have become aware is to be able to recognise and appreciate miracles and synchronicity. Unaware people dismaiss these as "coincidences".
"If you live in awareness it's easy to see miracles everywhere."
~ Thich Nhat Hanh
The whole Universe and everything in it, right down to your own body and every cell in it, is a miracle. Can you see the miracle of your own body?
One of the things in Life that I enjoy the most is synchronicity, or "apparent coincidences". Carl Jung has several quotations about synchronicity. Here is one of them:
If you do not believe that synchronicity can happpen, then you simply will not see examples of it. You may also miss out on cases where God/the One Self speaks to you and through you, also because of lack of belief in things beyond the limits of the logical mind.
When you know within your being and not merely believe it with your mind and brain, that the things spoken about on this website are true, you will experience a different, more interesting and more pleasant life.
The Present Can Change the Past
This seemed a good place to mention this interesting fact, as it makes synchronicity possible. Provided that we have eyes to see and enjoy displays of synchronicity, they enable us to see that the past can be created by the present.
For example, consider a meeting between two people that appears to be the most impossible of apparent coincidences. It requires that events leading to the meeting by both people involved, and their exact timing, all happen in what we call the past so that they come together at the exact place and time of the meeting.
I have experienced some amazing examples of synchronicity in my life, sometimes with people, sometimes with material objects. I have eyes to see it and I love it.
Here is some wisdom from Alan Watts about the present changing the past. He is one of my favorite teachers:
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Some Suggestions that Might Help - Part 1
The following suggestions are based on my own journey, and will form the basis of a course to be called "Journey of Reconnection" (to Life) that I am intending to develop during 2025.
A Spirit Guide said to me through a psychic I saw many years ago: "Your life purpose is reconnection to life". I did not even know how disconnected from Life I was at that time. Now I can see clearly that at least a major part of my life purpose was to go through the journey of reconnection myself and then teach about it to others.
The proposed course will be presented under four main headings, and each of these will have two parts, as shown in the list below. I find it helpful to visualise these as being components of a circle or disk which is formed from four quadrants / eight sectors.
The list below shows names of the eight categories, and serves as an overview of the content on this page:
A. Roles for the Self and Mind
1. Decisions, Choices and Intents
2. Beliefs and Expectations
B. Commicating with the Inner Self
3. Silence
4. Multi-Level Journalling
C. Inner and Surrounding Influences
5. Care and Respect for Your Body and Mind
6. Surrounding Influences - Who and What?
D. Experiencing Being Connected
7. Feeling the Onenesss, Especially in Your Core
8. Experiencing Being Part of the Oneness
Some brief comments that may be helpful follow on these subjects. The full Journey of Reconnection course will include more material under these eight headings, when it becomes available in 2025.
A section on how the present creates the past follows commments about the eight points.
Suggestions - Part 2
1. Decisions, Choices and Intents
A true decision, where you are really saying to yourself I will be, do or have this "no matter what it takes", is like choosing to take one fork or the other in a road. Everything from then on is related to the road you chose and not to the road you did not choose. It can have a huge effect on your life from then on.
"Setting an intention" is similar to making a decision, but it is made in the present about an outcome you want or do not want in the future.
During my own journey I did not know what I was looking for, I was just looking for "what was wrong with me". Now that I have gone through a long and painful journey myself, I am able to give you the contents of this website. This should make your own journey faster and more pleasant. Remember, take what you want and leave the rest.
2. Beliefs and Expectations
This website should help you to develop your own beliefs and expectations for your inner journey and its outcome.
On the previous page (Journey of Awakening), I made a suggestion that you might like to put something on your wall, to remind you that you are on a journey towards a very positive outcome. The painting called "What Only Exists in the Mind" by Jeffery Smith was suggested, but any painting, artwork or simply words that represent a positive outcome to you would be sufficient. I did not have anything like that during my journey, but wish I did.
This would serve as a reminder of your expectations.
3. Silence
Of all the techniques mentioned on this page, I believe based on my experience that Silence is the most valuable.
"... It's in the Silence where pure awareness reveals itself to you. It's in the Silence where you will receive the message. Never be afraid to sit in the Silence. It is your greatest asset."
~ Author Unknown
The meaning of the word "meditation" is not very clear to me, even though I have done several courses on meditation. But I do love "just being" in silence with Source. Regardless of the word used, the potential value of Silence is made clear by the following quotation from the Dalai Lama:
Other Ways to get into a "Flow State"
Although Silence is my overall favourite, I thought that other practices that could enable you to get into a "flow state" should be briefly mentioned here to keep a balanced view. Being in a flow state is a way of being in the present.
These include:
- Watching a beautiful sunset
- Star gazing
- Listening to music (not all typrs)
- Dancing (not all types)
- Nature watching
- Gardening
- Martial arts
- and more ...
4. Multi-Level Journalling
This is a technique that I steadily developed in the early part of my journey, starting from someone else's technique called "two handed writing". I won't go into the steps in developing it, but will describe what it has evolved to now. This technique as described below, plus Silence, have remained as my two most helpful techniques for decades now. I would not want to be without them.
I think of this form of journalling as a way to write out a conversation between two levels of my self. I will write about Levels of Self in the future. Note that I am talking of levels of the one self, not different selves within us.
With the journalling, the lower level of self is my normal everyday self that writes questions and makes comments, and the other level is the Highest Level that I am able to hear from in relation to the subject being discussed. (This will depend on my level of vibration.)
It is important to hold the belief and intent that you will get answers and guidance from a Higher Level of your Self. I often start by writing "to the Higher and Highest Level of my Self, and the Highest Guidance available to me". Use whatever words will work for you.
I imagine a vertical line drawn down the middle of the page. On the right-hand side, I write my comments and questions from my everyday self. On the left-hand side, I write whatever answer or comment I pick up from a higher level of my self. I usually start writing any answers below the end of the question or comment, but in the other column.
The whole aim is to pick up what comes into your mind instantly, without thinking about it by using your logical mind and your lower self. Have this as your intent.
I use my dominant hand for both columns on the page. In my case that is my right hand. It may work better for you the other way around. There is no right and wrong with any of this, it just requires experimnting and developing what works best for you.
This technique does not always work, and it requires time and patience to develop your skills. The effort has been worthwhile for me, as I have received lots of useful advice and guidance over the decades.
5. Care and Respect for Your Body and Mind
One of the main goals of all of these techniques is to "raise your vibration". Artices on this subject can be found on many websites. There is even a book written with those exact words as its title.
Obviously we are talking here about things like eating and drinking healthy foods and avoiding unhealthy ones, out of respect for your body which is called "the Temple of your Soul".
One of the very first things that happened in my life as soon as I started listening to my Inner Self is that I gave up eating animal flesh. I will not say more on this subject and will leave it to you. In recent years I have eaten some limited amounts of fish on very rare occasions.
Any addictive substances will work actively to lower your vibration and inhibit your awakening.
Alcohol is a drug with wide social acceptance. Sometimes it leads to addiction with disastrous results for families especiallly children. Sometimes however it does not, if only consumed socially on limited occasions. But in every case, alcohol decreases the connection between consciousness and the brain. Just think of a social party where alcohol is consumed. The drinkers get louder and more stupid as the party continues. This is not raising anyone's vibration.
The same considerations apply to what we consume with our minds. The more regularly we do it, the more effect it has, whether positive or negative. You can use your own imagination to think of examples of what you feed to your mind.
6. Surrounding Influences
The effect of the influences you surround yourself with is sometimes mentioned in personal development courses, because it too has quite a big effect. The influences can be from the people you mix with, what you read online and offline, movies and videos you watch etc, and self-talk that reflects your attitude to life.
Energies in Our Auras Mix with Each Other
It is often said that your behaviours and habits will be very similar to those of your five closest friends or associates. Things rub off, from one persn to another.
This is particularly noticeable when energies in the auras mix regularly, especially with intimate relationships.
Our energy fields are often described as having a torus shape as shown in the image below. Notice how they overlap, allowing the eneries to become mixed.
7. Feeling the Oneness Within
This item is for when you have made some progress with awakening by doing items 1-6. This is about feeling the energy of the Oneness within as the "I Am", especially in your core area.
Our core area is located right in the middle of our chest, between the heart and the solar plexus, (between the third and fourth chakras), only right inside our chest. (Note that while most writers refer to our heart as being our core, many artists tend to draw it as being in the centre of our chest, below our heart.)
I experience the feeling by lying down peacefully, and feeling the energy within my core area. It leads to a feeling that energy is flowing from my core area to the rest of my body.
The image below is a clever artistic combination of two principles - firstly that the energy flow is to and from our core area, and secondly that it is from and to the Universe of which we are a part.
All of these techniques are intended to cause you to focus on the Source of Life that is both inside and outside of you, and for you to want to be connected to it, and to want to feel connected to it.
Feel that it is part of you and you are part of it, as it can be no other way.
8. Experiencing the Oneness of Life
Once awakened, you become able to see and enjoy the Oneness of Life. In general, Life just flows smoothly and effortlessly when humans do not get in the way with their logical minds that do not understand, and sometimes with bad tempers resulting from frustralions.
One of the enjoyments in Life when you have become aware is to be able to recognise and appreciate miracles and synchronicity. Unaware people dismaiss these as "coincidences".
"If you live in awareness it's easy to see miracles everywhere."
~ Thich Nhat Hanh
The whole Universe and everything in it, right down to your own body and every cell in it, is a miracle. Can you see the miracle of your own body?
One of the things in Life that I enjoy the most is synchronicity, or "apparent coincidences". Carl Jung has several quotations about synchronicity. Here is one of them:
If you do not believe that synchronicity can happpen, then you simply will not see examples of it. You may also miss out on cases where God/the One Self speaks to you and through you, also because of lack of belief in things beyond the limits of the logical mind.
When you know within your being and not merely believe it with your mind and brain, that the things spoken about on this website are true, you will experience a different, more interesting and more pleasant life.
The Present Can Change the Past
This seemed a good place to mention this interesting fact, as it makes synchronicity possible. Provided that we have eyes to see and enjoy displays of synchronicity, they enable us to see that the past can be created by the present.
For example, consider a meeting between two people that appears to be the most impossible of apparent coincidences. It requires that events leading to the meeting by both people involved, and their exact timing, all happen in what we call the past so that they come together at the exact place and time of the meeting.
I have experienced some amazing examples of synchronicity in my life, sometimes with people, sometimes with material objects. I have eyes to see it and I love it.
Here is some wisdom from Alan Watts about the present changing the past. He is one of my favorite teachers:
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