Life, Oneness, and You

The huge benefits of awakening to all that Life and You really are

About Holograms

Inroduction to Holograms

This page describes what holograms are, and looks at different types of hologram, from the well-known holograms of light (optical holograms), to what I am referring to as Holograms of Life. I am proposing that the Source of Life creates the whole Universe as a hologram of Life using its Awareness.

The definition of holograms in the following paragraph is my own, as I like definitions to say what something actually is, rather than how it is made or features that it has:

"Holograms are realistic illusions in the dimension in which they appear, made from an image which has one less dimension than the hologram itself has, by illuminating the image by a "vital force" that brings the image to life by adding an additional dimension."

There are different types of holograms which are made in different ways. The common principle they share is that an image plus a "vital force" that illuminates it, which have (n) dimensions between them, combine to create an illusion which has (n+1) dimensions. The term "vital force" is one I am using in a spiritual sense. The term usually used by the mainstream in relation to common optical holograms is simply "light".

A major feature of holograms, but not what they actually are, is that "the whole is in the part and the part is in the whole".

Holograms were first discovered by Dennis Gabor in 1947. He coined the term hologram from the greek words holos, meaning ‘whole,’ and gramma, meaning ‘message.’ He was awarded a Nobel prize in physics in 1971 for his work.

Most articles published about holograms speak only about the commonly occurring holograms of light, (where the vital force is Light) as if they were the only type of hologram. Therefore let's look at them first, in the next section.

Holograms of Light (Optical Holograms)

Holograms made with light as their vital force, often referred to as traditional optical holograms, are common in our world, and most people are not aware of any other type of hologram. Numerous articles have been published about them, with most of the emphasis being on how they are made rather than what they actually are.

Because optical holograms are so common and because they enable us to easily see the principles and features of holograms, they are a good starting point to lead into discussion of other types of hologram.

The next five paragraphs are about as technical as this site gets on holograms. Just skip them if you want to. However, if you want more information about holograms of light and how they are formed, read on. There are numerous articles with more details in books and online.

There are two main types of holograms of light. These are reflectance holograms and transmission holograms.

Reflectance holograms are formed by reflecting light from a holographic image. These are typically small images as seen on credit cards and driver's licences for added security, and on small marketing materials to give them additional appeal.

Transmission holograms are more complicated to form, requiring two beams of light that came from the same source, which is usually a laser beam. These beams are reflected several times before they both pass through the same 2D holographic image on a flat transparent film. The 3D holograms formed in this way are unrestricted in size, so are usually much larger than reflectance holograms.

(The light in one of the beams has been polarised, but that is not relevant to the Holograms of Life discussed on the next page.)

One type of "screen" used to display large transmission type holograms is three-dimensional water sprays consisting of many very fine droplets of water sprayed into the air. This type of hologram can be quite large.

What is Required for Something to be a Hologram?

I believe that the three things required for something to be a hologram are a "vital force" (such as light), a suitable holographic image (with n dimensions), forming an illusion with (n + 1) dimensions.

I do not believe that it depends on the particular method used to create the hologram, as this depends on the type of hologram it is. For example, reflection holograms and transmission holograms are created using different methods, but they are both types of holograms.

One feature all holograms seem to have in common is that "the whole is in the part and the part is in the whole". This is consistent with how holograms got their name, based on Greek words for "whole message", mentioned at the top of this page.

Other Types of Hologram

Holograms of Sound, Electrons, and Simulated Images

Three other types, very much less common than Holograms of Light, are holograms made with sound and holograms made with electrons, and holograms made with computer simulated images rather than physical images. These types are spoken about more in technical and scientific areas rather than everyday life. These types are mentioned here only to make the point that holograms can be made with other things in addition to light.

The Universe as a Hologram

Articles that use this phrase are mainly quite technical articles. Links are given to two of them in the next section.

Articles on the Universe as a Hologram

Some Highly Technical Presentations (optional reading only)

It was only quite recently in terms of human history that it was proposed that the Universe might be a hologram, in 1998. This was proposed by theoretical physicists, and it has led to serious articles in respected publications.

Links to two of these articles are provided below. The only reason for mentioning these articles is to show that the concept of the Universe being a hologram is being taken quite seriously by theoretical physicists.

The two articles are extremely technical, way over my head. If you want to, just skim them until they get too much. They do not need to be read to be able to follow the rest of this website.

First Article, from Scientific American Second Article, from Vox Website

The first article talks about up to five dimensions for (n + 1), while the second article speaks of only three, as with optical holograms.

Physicists and others who speculate that the Universe is a hologram fall into two groups. One group does not think beyond what they are familiar with from holograms of light, and thus their theories are limited to the three dimensions applicable to holograms of light.

The other group does not limit the number of dimensions. I agree with this group. The next page is about what I refer to as Holograms of Life, which are formed with Life itself being the Vital Force.

Continued on Next Page

The next page is really a continuation of this page and focusses specifically on Holograms of Life. It is located at the link below:

Recommended Next Page:

Holograms of Life

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