Life, Oneness, and You

The huge benefits of awakening to all that Life and You really are

About Free Will


Free Will - Part 1

I have encountered several people within Spiritual Awakening and Personal Development groups in the past few years that have said to me: "You have Free Will". The implication was that this applied to every issue in our lives. The black and white statement caused me some confusion, as I did not believe it was as black and white as this.

I have been aware for a long time about the principle of "Levels of Mind". Although we only have one Mind, it has many levels ranging from a personal mind that deals with simple matters in our life, for exampe what we are goig to eat for our next meal. The levels are not separate Selves, but flow into each other within the one Self. They range right up to the One Self (our Highest Self) within us.

The understanding that I gave myself is that the nature of the issue will influence the Level of Mind that will allow or not allow free will on that issue. For example, all levels will allow us free choice of what we eat as long as it is not something that will make us sick (or worse), whereas more important issues will be decided by higher levels of our Mind, such as our career, which could be related to our destiny.

I still retain that view, but now combine it with the principle of Determinism, which is described in the next column on this page. The two subjects, Levels of Mind and Determinism, are each complex in themselves, so I will not attempt to understand or describe how they interact. I am just saying, that at least for me, they are both involved.

I discovered the material that follows on Determinism while researching for this website. I have had a lot of personal benefits from building this website.

Part 2 - Free Will vs Determinism


Determinism is the belief that every event, including human actions, is determined by an unbroken chain of cause and effect. According to this philosophy, our decisions are not made in isolation or based solely on our free will, but are ultimately influenced by the entirety of the universe's past. This concept proposes that once we make a decision, the universe, in its intricacy and interconnectedness, responds accordingly, unveiling a series of events leading towards the realization of our choice.

A Deep Discussion of the Interplay, and the Importance of Decisions

A deep discussion on these subjects is quoted below. It is relevant to the Universal Hologram and our Personal Hologram discussed in this book, but may be too deep for some readers. If any content on this website such as this is too deep for you at present, just skip it and leave it for the future. The discussion that follows is reproduced from:

Link to the Original Article which is Copied Below

“Once you make a decision, the universe conspires to make it happen; these profound words by Ralph Waldo Emerson encapsulate the power and influence of our choices. In a straightforward way, this quote suggests that once we commit to a decision, the entire universe aligns itself to support and manifest that choice. It implies that our decisions hold immense power and have the ability to shape our reality.

This notion of the universe conspiring may seem extraordinary and fantastical, but it touches upon an interesting philosophical concept known as determinism.

Determinism is the belief that every event, including human actions, is determined by an unbroken chain of cause and effect. According to this philosophy, our decisions are not made in isolation or based solely on our free will, but are ultimately influenced by the entirety of the universe's past. This concept proposes that once we make a decision, the universe, in its intricacy and interconnectedness, responds accordingly, unveiling a series of events leading towards the realization of our choice.

While determinism may initially appear contradictory to the notion of free will, it adds a fascinating layer to Emerson's quote. The idea that our decisions are entwined with the cosmic fabric of the universe suggests that there is both an interplay between causality and our ability to choose. It reminds us that we are not merely solitary agents making decisions, but rather participants entangled within the complex web of the universe."

Free Will - Part 3

You can probably see from the material above on Levels of Mind and Determinism that the subject of Free Will is a complicated one. There is probably enough material above to convince you that we can not simply say "We have free will", or "We do not have free will".

How much free will you will have on any particular subject will depend on how important the subject is to you and to your own well-being, how strongly you want it, and on how it would affect other people and even other parts of the Universe.

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