Life, Oneness, and You
The huge benefits of awakening to all that Life and You really are
The Universal Hologram
The Universal Hologram
We all know what we mean by "the Universe", even though there are some differences in our understandings. So there is no point in discussing here what the Universe is.
What needs to be discussed on this page is "is it a hologram?".
If you enter a term such as "holographic universe" or "universal hologram" into a search engine such as Google, the results that are shown are not very helpful. Many of them do not accept that the Universe is holographic in nature.
Of those that do, a majority are stuck on the principles of Holograms of Light, and how they are created. They talk of a 3D universe created from an image on a 2D flat surface.
The definition I gave earlier is that a hologram (of any type) is an illusion in the dimension in which it appears, and is formed by a vital force being applied to an image. No restrictions on the number of dimensions, and no talk of a flat film.
Text in the next diagram supports the concept of a hologram being a grand illusion, with the image used to create it being our collective consciousness. How does "our collective consciousness" get stored on a flat film??
My belief is that the "collective consciousness" referred to above is an unlimited number of individual consciousnesses, which intereact with each other under the guidance and oversight of the Vital Force, and with its integrative input. All as part of the Oneness.
In the quotation in the following image, none other than Eckhart Tolle states that our perception of the world is a reflection of our state of consciousness, and that there is no objective world "out there".
The Cosmic Hologram
At the time of writing this, I have not yet read the above book, but intend to. Based on information about the book, it is clearly a very comprehensive and thought provoking book by a highly intelligent writer. It strongly emphasizes the role of information in creating the universal hologram.
- The book includes myriad examples as evidence from a wide range of cutting-edge scientific discoveries showing our Universe is an interconnected hologram of information
- It explains how consciousness is a major component of the cosmic hologram of information, making us both manifestations and co-creators of our reality
- It reconciles Quantum Mechanics and Einstein’s Theory of Relativity by showing that energy-matter and space-time are complementary expressions of information
You can read more about this book at Amazon (this is not an affiliate link):
"The Cosmic Hologram"
A Revolution in Human Awareness
New understandings have always been opposed by the masses at first.
"All truth passes through three stages: First, it is ridiculed; Second, it is violently opposed; and Third, it is accepted as self evident."
~ Arthur Schopenhauer, German philosopher
Summary - All Requirements Are Satisfied
Everyone will make their own choice on what they believe and disbelieve. To me, all the requirements for the Universe to be accepted as being a hologram have been satisfied, as follows:
- The physical Universe as we think we know it is an illusion, as stated by many including Albert Einstein.
It is made of Consciousness, not physical matter which is only an illusion.
- The illusion includes Life and all that is part of Life. The Life component of the illusion comes from the Vital Force that forms the illusion.
- The image used to create the illusion is our consciousness (individually and collectively), and all the beliefs, thoughts and emotions that it contains. Our view of the Universe is a personal one.
- A property (but not a requirement) of all holograms is also met, in that "the whole is in the part and the part is in the whole". e.g. You are in the Universe and the Universe (including Life) is in you.
The Universal Hologram
We all know what we mean by "the Universe", even though there are some differences in our understandings. So there is no point in discussing here what the Universe is.
What needs to be discussed on this page is "is it a hologram?".
If you enter a term such as "holographic universe" or "universal hologram" into a search engine such as Google, the results that are shown are not very helpful. Many of them do not accept that the Universe is holographic in nature.
Of those that do, a majority are stuck on the principles of Holograms of Light, and how they are created. They talk of a 3D universe created from an image on a 2D flat surface.
The definition I gave earlier is that a hologram (of any type) is an illusion in the dimension in which it appears, and is formed by a vital force being applied to an image. No restrictions on the number of dimensions, and no talk of a flat film.
Text in the next diagram supports the concept of a hologram being a grand illusion, with the image used to create it being our collective consciousness. How does "our collective consciousness" get stored on a flat film??
My belief is that the "collective consciousness" referred to above is an unlimited number of individual consciousnesses, which intereact with each other under the guidance and oversight of the Vital Force, and with its integrative input. All as part of the Oneness.
In the quotation in the following image, none other than Eckhart Tolle states that our perception of the world is a reflection of our state of consciousness, and that there is no objective world "out there".
The Cosmic Hologram
At the time of writing this, I have not yet read the above book, but intend to. Based on information about the book, it is clearly a very comprehensive and thought provoking book by a highly intelligent writer. It strongly emphasizes the role of information in creating the universal hologram.
- The book includes myriad examples as evidence from a wide range of cutting-edge scientific discoveries showing our Universe is an interconnected hologram of information
- It explains how consciousness is a major component of the cosmic hologram of information, making us both manifestations and co-creators of our reality
- It reconciles Quantum Mechanics and Einstein’s Theory of Relativity by showing that energy-matter and space-time are complementary expressions of information
You can read more about this book at Amazon (this is not an affiliate link):
"The Cosmic Hologram"A Revolution in Human Awareness
New understandings have always been opposed by the masses at first.
"All truth passes through three stages: First, it is ridiculed; Second, it is violently opposed; and Third, it is accepted as self evident."
~ Arthur Schopenhauer, German philosopher
Summary - All Requirements Are Satisfied
Everyone will make their own choice on what they believe and disbelieve. To me, all the requirements for the Universe to be accepted as being a hologram have been satisfied, as follows:
- The physical Universe as we think we know it is an illusion, as stated by many including Albert Einstein. It is made of Consciousness, not physical matter which is only an illusion.
- The illusion includes Life and all that is part of Life. The Life component of the illusion comes from the Vital Force that forms the illusion.
- The image used to create the illusion is our consciousness (individually and collectively), and all the beliefs, thoughts and emotions that it contains. Our view of the Universe is a personal one.
- A property (but not a requirement) of all holograms is also met, in that "the whole is in the part and the part is in the whole". e.g. You are in the Universe and the Universe (including Life) is in you.