Life, Oneness, and You
The huge benefits of awakening to all that Life and You really are
Home Page
The Awakening of Humanity
The Transformation
Let’s get straight into the purpose of this website. I will introduce myself later as the author in the “About” section. (Note: This Home Page is longer than most other pages on this website.)
A transformation of humanity that will result in a new and better world for all has been predicted by many ancient and modern sources for thousands of years. The timing is based on cycles that are approximately 25,625 years long. (The timing was first predicted millenia ago, by our ancestors who left many clues for us.)
The central part of the change is an awakening of human consciousness to what we really are and what the Universe is and how it is formed. This means awakening to the Oneness of All-that-Is. These are the main subjects of this website.
Universal Teachers have been incarnating on Earth during the last few decades to lead the awakening process. They have been initially awakening themselves and each other. These Teachers are located all over the world in many walks of life, and they now have numerous websites and courses available, such as this website.
This awakening of humanity will change everything. It is expected to result in many benefits, including an end of war and its horrors.
There are differing views on how this transformation will happen and how long it will take, and whether all of humanity or only a portion of humanity will awaken as part of this current transformation. One possibly is that both of these scenarios could eventually happen, if souls who are incarnated on Earth who are not ready for awakening are progressively replaced by souls who are ready, through multiple normal cycles of birth and death.
The Focus of this Website
The purpose of the website is to describe the Oneness of the entire Universe and to explain what awakening of consciousness is, what there is to awaken to, how awakening will be of benefit to all of us, and how what we call “reality” is created by holograms.
This material is being made available on this website to encourage and assist people who are choosing to awaken their consciousness at this time, to the awesome truth of what they truly are.
During development of the site, it became clear that only a term as unlimited as "Life" was big enough to include the awesomeness and extent of All-That-Is. So the original domain name for the site was changed to LifeAndYou.Life, and the content was organised into several categories (in subdirectories) under the one domain name. The initial categories are as follows, and several more will be added later:
- Introductory Pages
- Life, Oneness and the One Self
- Awakening (to all that we really are)
- How "Reality" is Created, by Holograms
- Levels of Self, and Free Will
- Summary, In What Way Do We Exist?
Awakening requires an inner journey that is usually not quick or smooth. It can be quite confronting as we get challenged to let go of firmly held but incorrect beliefs about what we are. We will discuss that further into the website content.
No-one can force you or talk you into awakening, only your Highest Self can initiate the inner journey when you are ready. You become ready by desiring it more than anything else. This website is here to help you with your journey, but only you can actually make the inner journey.
How this Site Contributes
The site weaves together wisdom in the form of quotations from all ages: ancient, more recent, and from current teachers including myself, about our true nature and the nature of Life. It also discusses our Personal Hologram within the Universal Hologram of
All-That-Is . Very little has been said about our Personal Hologram until now.
The site does not avoid discussing challenging issues. For example, there is discussion on matters such as how each of us can be as unique as we are, when we all share the same One Self at the highest level of ourselves. There is also serious discussion with answers on the controversial issue of free will.
Next: The Importance of this Material
The Importance of this Material
The Future of Humanity Depends On It
A key point to understand is the importance of the subjects presented on this website, for you and your life, and for humanity as a whole. The principles presented are quite likely to be the most important that you will ever encounter. That is a bold claim, however it is suggested that you decide later whether it is true for you, rather than deciding now.
“The awakening of human consciousness is no longer a luxury - it is a necessity for the survival of our species. It is up to each of us as individuals to embody the state of aware presence and thus rise above the egoic mind and its dysfunction. When a sufficient number of humans undergo this transformation, this will bring healing and sanity to our planet”.
~ Eckhart Tolle
Differing Views about a Higher Power
The above quotation from Eckhart Tolle is clear and strong. This section will, among other things, state what I believe is the cause of the "egoic mind and its dysfunction", and will also say how "each of us as individuals can embody a state of aware presence". This is what humanity needs to awaken to in order to create a far better world that works for all of us.
Humans fall into one of three groups regarding their belief, or non-belief, in a "Higher Power" of some type. Let's call them Group A, B and C for ease of reference:
- Group A believes that there is no higher power, and no level of awarenesss or intelligence above the level of the human mind and brain. This means that everything in the Universe must be pure coincidence.
- Group B believes that there is a Higher Power, but it is separate from themselves (duality). They generally follow one of the numerous factions of one the three dualistic religions, which are Christianity, Islam and Judaism.
- Group C believes that there is a Higher Power, and it is within everyone and everything. The emphasis in this group is Oneness. People in this group explore spirituality by following individual paths, guided by their Highest Self which is the One Self. They follow the Teacher Within, not the rigid dogma of religions.
These groups will be related below to the cause of many wars (but not all wars), and Ego, which I believe is the cause of all wars).
Ego is the Problem
People have two selves, although most do not know it. One is their True Self, which this website teaches is the One Self living within them. The other self is their Ego Self, which is who they think they are.
More is said about Ego on other pages of this website. Ego believes that there are only two possibiities, right or wrong. Ego believes that it is always right. It therefore believes that anyone with differing thoughts must be wrong. A person with a strong Ego is usually quite unpleasant to be around, because they are so dominant and "always right".
We all need Egos to be able to function in the physical world, but when egos are nasty and aggressive they can be softened by becoming more connected to our True Self.
Relating Ego to the Groups A, B and C above, people in Groups A and B generally have stronger egos than people in Group C, as people in Group C are more connected to the Oneness within their Higher Self.
Ego is the Cause of All Wars
Many wars throughout history have been started because of religious differences, even between different "factions" of the same religion. There are many examples of this.
Religious wars are started only by people in Group B above, as they are the only ones that follow a religion. There are so many factions of religions, each one believing that it is the only correct one, due to Ego's belief that it is always the only correct one.
Not all wars have been religious wars. But when one stops to think about it honestly, Ego has been the common cause of all wars, whether due to religious differences or some other factor. This is due to someone with a big ego deciding to take control over others to dominate them, with the cost in human lives being insignificant compared with their ego's need to dominate.
"Like begets like". War begets war. Hatred begets hatred. Revenge begets revenge. Love begets love.
Rising Above the Egoic Mind with Aware Presence
Following on from that strong statement above by Eckhart Tolle, we can "rise above our egoic mind and its dysfunction" by becoming more connected to the awareness and oneness within our True Self.
As your True Self is the One Self which is within all people and things, you would progressively become part of Group C above.
I believe that this is the only way that individuals and humanity collectively can rise above the dysfunction of their egoic mind. This website is here to help people on their inner journey to do that, when they are ready.
Next: My Highest Goal for this Website
My Highest Goal for this Website
Based on the above, I believe that the most urgent and important thing that humanity needs to do, both individually and collectively, is to replace the aggressive components of their ego with ways-of-being that are in line with their True Self.
People still need an ego, a sense of who they are, to be able to function in this physical world, but surely they could have a belief in who they are without the selfishness and aggressiveness that is often (but not always) a part of their ego.
While the subjects of Oneness, Awakening, and Holograms of Life are the specific focus of this website, the purpose of this content is to support the overall goal:
This goal is to influence people to become more of their True Self, which contains the wisdom of the Universe, with one of the benefits being to thereby transmute or soften their ego by removing its aggressiveness.
Or as image further down on this page says "to surrender one's ego to the infinite wisdom and knowledge that is the Universe".
You do not need an agressive ego to protect yourself, your Higher and Highest Self is always with you and "has your back" at all times.
The Components of this Website
As shown on the Contents Page, the site's initial content is divided into four sections:
A. Several introductory pages, including this Home Page
B. The first main subject is the Oneness of All-that-Is, including the One Self, as that is the main thing that we need to awaken to and be aware of, and reconnect with.
C. The next subject discussss the inner journey of Awakening, and some suggestions that may help with the journey are provided.
D. More of what we can awaken to then follows in five subjects that describe how the Universe and our unique selves and lives are created, as holograms. These subjects build on each other when dealt with in the order they are numbered and presented below. They are:
- Holograms: An Introduction
- The "Vital Force" of Life and Awareness
- The Universal Hologram of All-That-Is
- Your Personal Hologram (within the Universal Hologram)
- Co-creating Your Life with the Universe.
It will become evident as you read this website and the proposed related PDF eBook (when it is available), how these five subjects work together to create ourselves and our lives.
It should also be evident that all of them relate to this site’s domain name, written as either LifeAndYou.Life or (Note that the domain name ends in ".life", and not ".com" etc.)
What could be more important than knowing the truth of who you really are, what your True Self is, and how you and your life are co-created by you and the larger Universe, of which you are a part? This website will help you find the truth, if you are open to knowing it.
Next: Awakening to the Treasure Within
Awakening to the Greatest Treasure,
which is Already Within You
This is the most significant point on the website. For the time being, the pictorial quotations below provide a hint of what is to come further into the site's content.
Next: Belief Systems
Belief Systems
Just a few quick words on this home page to distinguish between different Belief Systems, before moving on from this subject.
Belief Systems include, but may not be limited to:
- Spirituality
- Eastern Philosophies
- Religions (Dualistic)
- Cults
- Agnosticism
- Atheism
This site focusses on only one of the above, Spirituality, which is close to some of the Eastern Philosophies in their pure form.
Spirituality is a Belief System, but is not a Religion.
Religions are one type of Belief System, but not all Belief Systems are Religions.
Spirituality vs Religion
I would like to clarify that when I refer to spirituality, I am not referring to religion. Also, when I use the word "religion" I am almost always referring to one or more of the three dualistic religions that put "God" outside of us, and teach dogma (rigid rules) on what to believe and how to behave.
To me, religion is the opposite of spirituality. The three images below should help to clarify why.
People who are used to Religions refer incorrectly to Spirituality and Eastern Philosophies as Religions. However they are Belief Systems but not Religions.
This site does not say much about religion. It is about spirituality, which involves a personal relationship with the Divine which lives within you, as you.
Remember the words in the last image above: "Spirituality is the surrender of one's ego to the infinite wisdom and knowledge that is the Universe".
If you are seeing this page as two columns side-by-side, click the link below to see the next sectiom, which is about the difference between Awareness and Consciousness. On mobile phones the next section will appear below as usual.
Next: Awareness vs Consciousness
Awareness vs Consciousness
These two terms are related but there is also a significant difference between them. Because they are related, there is confusion between them and they are often used interchangeably, which is not correct.
They are even used incorrectly by gurus and well-known teachers. Fortunately, published explanations of the difference are generally consistent. They say that Awareness comes first and can simply be being aware that you are aware, while Consciousness is Awareness applied to a subject or object.
If you are aware of something (other than Awareness itself), then you are Consciousness of it, within your Awareness.
Some explainations of the difference between awareness and consciousness follow:
"Consciousness is the individual awareness of your unique thoughts, memories, feelings, sensations, and environments. Essentially, your consciousness is your awareness of yourself and the world around you. This awareness is subjective and unique to you."
~ from
The following quotation from Nisargadatta Maharaj adds further clarity, especially via his last sentence:
“Awareness is primordial; it is the original state; beginning-less; endless, uncaused, unsupported, without parts; without change. Consciousness is on contract, a reflection against a surface, a state of duality. There can be no consciousness without awareness, but there can be awareness without consciousness, as in deep sleep. Awareness is absolute, consciousness is relative to its content; consciousness is always of something.”
~Nisargadatta Maharaj
Next: Two Quotations Relating to Growth
When the Student is Ready
The best teacher of all is the one within you, your own Highest Self, which is the One Self within.
You Can Only Change Yourself, When Ready
In Service to the Collective
I did not create the colorful image below, but my reason for building this website is in line with the words in the image.
I particularly like the words "The truth will never be found, nor can be found, in the illusory physical world. The truth isn't physical, it is Spiritual."
The Following Pages
This Home Page is longer than most other pages on this website. As well as this page, the other two pages in the Preliminary section are the "About" page and the "Contents List" page. The Contents List will have links to all pages on the site including new pages as they are added. (The site is still under construction.)
It is suggested that you take a look at the "About" page next, then proceed to the "Contents List" page. The page following the Contents Page, called "You Are Part of the Oneness", is important and is the next page in the suggested reading sequence.
The Awakening of Humanity
The Transformation
Let’s get straight into the purpose of this website. I will introduce myself later as the author in the “About” section. (Note: This Home Page is longer than most other pages on this website.)
A transformation of humanity that will result in a new and better world for all has been predicted by many ancient and modern sources for thousands of years. The timing is based on cycles that are approximately 25,625 years long. (The timing was first predicted millenia ago, by our ancestors who left many clues for us.)
The central part of the change is an awakening of human consciousness to what we really are and what the Universe is and how it is formed. This means awakening to the Oneness of All-that-Is. These are the main subjects of this website.
Universal Teachers have been incarnating on Earth during the last few decades to lead the awakening process. They have been initially awakening themselves and each other. These Teachers are located all over the world in many walks of life, and they now have numerous websites and courses available, such as this website.
This awakening of humanity will change everything. It is expected to result in many benefits, including an end of war and its horrors.
There are differing views on how this transformation will happen and how long it will take, and whether all of humanity or only a portion of humanity will awaken as part of this current transformation. One possibly is that both of these scenarios could eventually happen, if souls who are incarnated on Earth who are not ready for awakening are progressively replaced by souls who are ready, through multiple normal cycles of birth and death.
The Focus of this Website
The purpose of the website is to describe the Oneness of the entire Universe and to explain what awakening of consciousness is, what there is to awaken to, how awakening will be of benefit to all of us, and how what we call “reality” is created by holograms.
This material is being made available on this website to encourage and assist people who are choosing to awaken their consciousness at this time, to the awesome truth of what they truly are.
During development of the site, it became clear that only a term as unlimited as "Life" was big enough to include the awesomeness and extent of All-That-Is. So the original domain name for the site was changed to LifeAndYou.Life, and the content was organised into several categories (in subdirectories) under the one domain name. The initial categories are as follows, and several more will be added later:
- Introductory Pages
- Life, Oneness and the One Self
- Awakening (to all that we really are)
- How "Reality" is Created, by Holograms
- Levels of Self, and Free Will
- Summary, In What Way Do We Exist?
Awakening requires an inner journey that is usually not quick or smooth. It can be quite confronting as we get challenged to let go of firmly held but incorrect beliefs about what we are. We will discuss that further into the website content.
No-one can force you or talk you into awakening, only your Highest Self can initiate the inner journey when you are ready. You become ready by desiring it more than anything else. This website is here to help you with your journey, but only you can actually make the inner journey.
How this Site Contributes
The site weaves together wisdom in the form of quotations from all ages: ancient, more recent, and from current teachers including myself, about our true nature and the nature of Life. It also discusses our Personal Hologram within the Universal Hologram of
The site does not avoid discussing challenging issues. For example, there is discussion on matters such as how each of us can be as unique as we are, when we all share the same One Self at the highest level of ourselves. There is also serious discussion with answers on the controversial issue of free will.
Next: The Importance of this MaterialThe Importance of this Material
The Future of Humanity Depends On It
A key point to understand is the importance of the subjects presented on this website, for you and your life, and for humanity as a whole. The principles presented are quite likely to be the most important that you will ever encounter. That is a bold claim, however it is suggested that you decide later whether it is true for you, rather than deciding now.
“The awakening of human consciousness is no longer a luxury - it is a necessity for the survival of our species. It is up to each of us as individuals to embody the state of aware presence and thus rise above the egoic mind and its dysfunction. When a sufficient number of humans undergo this transformation, this will bring healing and sanity to our planet”.
~ Eckhart Tolle
Differing Views about a Higher Power
The above quotation from Eckhart Tolle is clear and strong. This section will, among other things, state what I believe is the cause of the "egoic mind and its dysfunction", and will also say how "each of us as individuals can embody a state of aware presence". This is what humanity needs to awaken to in order to create a far better world that works for all of us.
Humans fall into one of three groups regarding their belief, or non-belief, in a "Higher Power" of some type. Let's call them Group A, B and C for ease of reference:
- Group A believes that there is no higher power, and no level of awarenesss or intelligence above the level of the human mind and brain. This means that everything in the Universe must be pure coincidence.
- Group B believes that there is a Higher Power, but it is separate from themselves (duality). They generally follow one of the numerous factions of one the three dualistic religions, which are Christianity, Islam and Judaism.
- Group C believes that there is a Higher Power, and it is within everyone and everything. The emphasis in this group is Oneness. People in this group explore spirituality by following individual paths, guided by their Highest Self which is the One Self. They follow the Teacher Within, not the rigid dogma of religions.
These groups will be related below to the cause of many wars (but not all wars), and Ego, which I believe is the cause of all wars).
Ego is the Problem
People have two selves, although most do not know it. One is their True Self, which this website teaches is the One Self living within them. The other self is their Ego Self, which is who they think they are.
More is said about Ego on other pages of this website. Ego believes that there are only two possibiities, right or wrong. Ego believes that it is always right. It therefore believes that anyone with differing thoughts must be wrong. A person with a strong Ego is usually quite unpleasant to be around, because they are so dominant and "always right".
We all need Egos to be able to function in the physical world, but when egos are nasty and aggressive they can be softened by becoming more connected to our True Self.
Relating Ego to the Groups A, B and C above, people in Groups A and B generally have stronger egos than people in Group C, as people in Group C are more connected to the Oneness within their Higher Self.
Ego is the Cause of All Wars
Many wars throughout history have been started because of religious differences, even between different "factions" of the same religion. There are many examples of this.
Religious wars are started only by people in Group B above, as they are the only ones that follow a religion. There are so many factions of religions, each one believing that it is the only correct one, due to Ego's belief that it is always the only correct one.
Not all wars have been religious wars. But when one stops to think about it honestly, Ego has been the common cause of all wars, whether due to religious differences or some other factor. This is due to someone with a big ego deciding to take control over others to dominate them, with the cost in human lives being insignificant compared with their ego's need to dominate.
"Like begets like". War begets war. Hatred begets hatred. Revenge begets revenge. Love begets love.
Rising Above the Egoic Mind with Aware Presence
Following on from that strong statement above by Eckhart Tolle, we can "rise above our egoic mind and its dysfunction" by becoming more connected to the awareness and oneness within our True Self.
As your True Self is the One Self which is within all people and things, you would progressively become part of Group C above.
I believe that this is the only way that individuals and humanity collectively can rise above the dysfunction of their egoic mind. This website is here to help people on their inner journey to do that, when they are ready.
Next: My Highest Goal for this WebsiteMy Highest Goal for this Website
Based on the above, I believe that the most urgent and important thing that humanity needs to do, both individually and collectively, is to replace the aggressive components of their ego with ways-of-being that are in line with their True Self.
People still need an ego, a sense of who they are, to be able to function in this physical world, but surely they could have a belief in who they are without the selfishness and aggressiveness that is often (but not always) a part of their ego.
While the subjects of Oneness, Awakening, and Holograms of Life are the specific focus of this website, the purpose of this content is to support the overall goal:
This goal is to influence people to become more of their True Self, which contains the wisdom of the Universe, with one of the benefits being to thereby transmute or soften their ego by removing its aggressiveness.
Or as image further down on this page says "to surrender one's ego to the infinite wisdom and knowledge that is the Universe".
You do not need an agressive ego to protect yourself, your Higher and Highest Self is always with you and "has your back" at all times.
The Components of this Website
As shown on the Contents Page, the site's initial content is divided into four sections:
A. Several introductory pages, including this Home Page
B. The first main subject is the Oneness of All-that-Is, including the One Self, as that is the main thing that we need to awaken to and be aware of, and reconnect with.
C. The next subject discussss the inner journey of Awakening, and some suggestions that may help with the journey are provided.
D. More of what we can awaken to then follows in five subjects that describe how the Universe and our unique selves and lives are created, as holograms. These subjects build on each other when dealt with in the order they are numbered and presented below. They are:
- Holograms: An Introduction
- The "Vital Force" of Life and Awareness
- The Universal Hologram of All-That-Is
- Your Personal Hologram (within the Universal Hologram)
- Co-creating Your Life with the Universe.
It will become evident as you read this website and the proposed related PDF eBook (when it is available), how these five subjects work together to create ourselves and our lives.
It should also be evident that all of them relate to this site’s domain name, written as either LifeAndYou.Life or (Note that the domain name ends in ".life", and not ".com" etc.)
What could be more important than knowing the truth of who you really are, what your True Self is, and how you and your life are co-created by you and the larger Universe, of which you are a part? This website will help you find the truth, if you are open to knowing it.
Next: Awakening to the Treasure WithinAwakening to the Greatest Treasure, which is Already Within You
This is the most significant point on the website. For the time being, the pictorial quotations below provide a hint of what is to come further into the site's content.
Next: Belief SystemsBelief Systems
Just a few quick words on this home page to distinguish between different Belief Systems, before moving on from this subject.
Belief Systems include, but may not be limited to:
- Spirituality
- Eastern Philosophies
- Religions (Dualistic)
- Cults
- Agnosticism
- Atheism
This site focusses on only one of the above, Spirituality, which is close to some of the Eastern Philosophies in their pure form.
Spirituality is a Belief System, but is not a Religion.
Religions are one type of Belief System, but not all Belief Systems are Religions.
Spirituality vs Religion
I would like to clarify that when I refer to spirituality, I am not referring to religion. Also, when I use the word "religion" I am almost always referring to one or more of the three dualistic religions that put "God" outside of us, and teach dogma (rigid rules) on what to believe and how to behave.
To me, religion is the opposite of spirituality. The three images below should help to clarify why.
People who are used to Religions refer incorrectly to Spirituality and Eastern Philosophies as Religions. However they are Belief Systems but not Religions.
This site does not say much about religion. It is about spirituality, which involves a personal relationship with the Divine which lives within you, as you.
Remember the words in the last image above: "Spirituality is the surrender of one's ego to the infinite wisdom and knowledge that is the Universe".
If you are seeing this page as two columns side-by-side, click the link below to see the next sectiom, which is about the difference between Awareness and Consciousness. On mobile phones the next section will appear below as usual.
Next: Awareness vs ConsciousnessAwareness vs Consciousness
These two terms are related but there is also a significant difference between them. Because they are related, there is confusion between them and they are often used interchangeably, which is not correct.
They are even used incorrectly by gurus and well-known teachers. Fortunately, published explanations of the difference are generally consistent. They say that Awareness comes first and can simply be being aware that you are aware, while Consciousness is Awareness applied to a subject or object.
If you are aware of something (other than Awareness itself), then you are Consciousness of it, within your Awareness.
Some explainations of the difference between awareness and consciousness follow:
"Consciousness is the individual awareness of your unique thoughts, memories, feelings, sensations, and environments. Essentially, your consciousness is your awareness of yourself and the world around you. This awareness is subjective and unique to you."
~ from
The following quotation from Nisargadatta Maharaj adds further clarity, especially via his last sentence:
“Awareness is primordial; it is the original state; beginning-less; endless, uncaused, unsupported, without parts; without change. Consciousness is on contract, a reflection against a surface, a state of duality. There can be no consciousness without awareness, but there can be awareness without consciousness, as in deep sleep. Awareness is absolute, consciousness is relative to its content; consciousness is always of something.”
~Nisargadatta Maharaj
Next: Two Quotations Relating to Growth
When the Student is Ready
The best teacher of all is the one within you, your own Highest Self, which is the One Self within.
You Can Only Change Yourself, When Ready
In Service to the Collective
I did not create the colorful image below, but my reason for building this website is in line with the words in the image.
I particularly like the words "The truth will never be found, nor can be found, in the illusory physical world. The truth isn't physical, it is Spiritual."
The Following Pages
This Home Page is longer than most other pages on this website. As well as this page, the other two pages in the Preliminary section are the "About" page and the "Contents List" page. The Contents List will have links to all pages on the site including new pages as they are added. (The site is still under construction.)
It is suggested that you take a look at the "About" page next, then proceed to the "Contents List" page. The page following the Contents Page, called "You Are Part of the Oneness", is important and is the next page in the suggested reading sequence.